Newbie Audio Setup for Weddings at
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Old July 25th, 2005, 06:40 AM   #1
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Newbie Audio Setup for Weddings

Hey guys-
I was wondering how all of you have your audio setup for the weddings you film. I'm scheduled to film a wedding in November and I want to do a good job on the audio. I'm not really looking to be a full-time wedding videographer, just an occasional one for friends/family. So I was wondering what I could do for the least amount of money spent.

I was thinking of buying a wireless lav (to put on the groom) but beyond that, I'm kinda lost. I'm also going to get a Beachtek DXA-6. So what should I do with the other channel of the Beachtek? Shotgun mic? From PA system? AT3031 for ambient noise? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. I was also wondering if a MiniDisk recorder would be an option. What do you guys think?

Last edited by Brett Whited; July 25th, 2005 at 09:40 AM.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 11:50 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Brett Whited
Hey guys-
I was wondering how all of you have your audio setup for the weddings you film. I'm scheduled to film a wedding in November and I want to do a good job on the audio. I'm not really looking to be a full-time wedding videographer, just an occasional one for friends/family. So I was wondering what I could do for the least amount of money spent.

I was thinking of buying a wireless lav (to put on the groom) but beyond that, I'm kinda lost. I'm also going to get a Beachtek DXA-6. So what should I do with the other channel of the Beachtek? Shotgun mic? From PA system? AT3031 for ambient noise? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. I was also wondering if a MiniDisk recorder would be an option. What do you guys think?
Redundancy is very helpful for weddings. I'll mic the podium, officiate, and soloist/harpist/organist with iRiver units. I'll mic the groom with a wireless mic so that I can monitor the levels during the vows/rings exchange.

If you have two channels to use on the BeachTek I'm suggest using a shotgun in one channel (for ambient audio) and the wireless in the other. Your not losing anything spliting them up this way beings each source is a mono recording and there's no loss of stereo imaging. In post you can duplicate the clip and make one left channel only and the other right channel only. That way you have two full audio sources from the two channels of originally recorded audio.

If you can wire into the PA system that is ideal as well- I've found, however, that the officiates don't always like people "touching" their equipment so we usually don't even ask. So long as they don't have a problem wearing the iRiver unit.

Good luck with everything.
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Old July 27th, 2005, 07:58 AM   #3
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Thanks for the advice Glen. BTW, what kind of mic do you use for your iRivers? Does it come with one, or do you have to purchase one?
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Old July 27th, 2005, 08:30 AM   #4
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Have you had any problems with the irivers on the officiant? I really HATE the idea of assuming everything is working right only to find out later I have nothing!
I have bought a couple of irivers and giant squid lavs as recommended, but I am so paranoid about them. What rec. level do you use when you place them on the officiant?
Toogood Studios
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Old July 28th, 2005, 07:19 AM   #5
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I would suggest testing with different mic settings and placement on yourself as a test subject. Speak at different volumes and find a setting that produces the best quality. Remember to use the highest bit rate versus run time (see chart below) if you can -- 320kbps in stereo or 160 kbps in mono (if you have a GS mic wired for mono). I have found with the GS mics a setting beteen 45 and 50 gives the best results. What is really nice about the iRiver is its ability to remember once you get the setup nailed, it will always be ready for you....

I would highly recommend the Giant Squid is a link:

The right angle version allows for a nice neat package the easly slips in a pocket

Here is a run time chart based on the IFP-795 (512mb) model in mono mode. These run times will be half for the 256mb model and doubled for the 1 gb version

44hz 32kbps = 23 hours:27 minutes
" " 40kbps = 18 Hours:54 minutes
" "" 48kbps = 15 hours:45 minutes
" " 56kbps = 13 hours:30 minutes
" " 64kbps = 11 hours:48 minutes
" " 80kbps = 9 hours:27 minutes
" " 96kbps = 7 hours:52 minutes
" " 112kbps = 6 hours:45 minutes
" " 128kbps = 5 hours:54 minutes
" " 160kbps = 4 hours: 43 minutes
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Old July 28th, 2005, 11:01 AM   #6
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I usually put wireless mics on the groom and the officiant plus shotgun mics on the second channel on each of two cameras, so that's four separate sound sources recorded to the camera tapes. I've also been experimenting with minidisc and iRiver recorders but haven't gotten to a point where I'm comfortable with those yet. Ideally I'd want a sound source on the podium if there are speakers and another one by any live musicians, plus I'm toying with the idea of trying to tuck a recorder into the bride's bouquet. The more redundancy you can achieve during the wedding ceremony in particular the better; at most receptions you can get by with less mics.
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Old July 28th, 2005, 11:07 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Mark A. Foley
Here is a run time chart based on the IFP-795 (512mb) model in mono mode. These run times will be half for the 256mb model and doubled for the 1 gb version

44hz 32kbps = 23 hours:27 minutes
" " 40kbps = 18 Hours:54 minutes
" "" 48kbps = 15 hours:45 minutes
" " 56kbps = 13 hours:30 minutes
" " 64kbps = 11 hours:48 minutes
" " 80kbps = 9 hours:27 minutes
" " 96kbps = 7 hours:52 minutes
" " 112kbps = 6 hours:45 minutes
" " 128kbps = 5 hours:54 minutes
" " 160kbps = 4 hours: 43 minutes
Mark- are these the times for stereo or mono mode? Could you expect to double the time for mono mode? Example: 44hz @ 160kbps ~ 8hr+ ?
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Old July 28th, 2005, 11:09 AM   #8
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This run chart is for MONO only.....
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Old July 28th, 2005, 11:24 AM   #9
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And yes I have ordered two of the giant squid iriver mics as suggested.
Toogood Studios
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Old August 1st, 2005, 09:13 PM   #10
New Boot
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I just shot my first wedding this past weekend and i used my powerbook g4 with garageband and just ran a line in from the soundboard to the line input. The audio sounds excellent and you can use the effects in the app to add diff effects to the vocalist in the music and things of the sort. as for syncing them up with iMovie Final Cut Express 2 or Final Cut HD, no problem you can import the file to iTunes where it is then accessible from FC and iMovie. the only prob is of course you can't pick up the bride and groom so i plan on using my iPod with the Griffin iTalk and a Lav mic to place on the groom. I'm a mac person if you cant tell and love the way everything is integrated. Makes synching so much easier.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 05:21 AM   #11
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I too use Macs for everything! I have Soundtrack, and I thought about using it, but didnt the AIFF file that you recorded to take up a lot of space? About how big was the file when it was all said and done?
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 06:47 PM   #12
New Boot
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after recordin for a little over an hour, the final size was around 700 megabytes, it actually shocked me for i thought it would be way larger than that. i still haven't tried to sync it yet, because i left my charger at the church and haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but i'm sure it will be fairly easy, i'll be using final cut express 2 to do the editing, it will also be my first time to edit with the app. i'm still use to my PC from a year ago using pinaccle. surely i can figure it out though.

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Old August 3rd, 2005, 05:09 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Craig Sharp
i'll be using final cut express 2 to do the editing, it will also be my first time to edit with the app. i'm still use to my PC from a year ago using pinaccle. surely i can figure it out though.
I also have Final Cut Express (HD version) but it's basically the same as FCE2 (they just added Soundtrack, LiveType and some other new features). I must say, I really like the program. If you are new to it, I suggest you pick up this book:
I used it to get me started. There are VERY good tutorials in it, and Tom Wolsky does an excelent job. I also encourage you to check out the Apple Disccusions if you have any questions:
....people there are very knowledable. Tom Wolsky is always on there too, he can answer just about any question you have. Well, good luck!
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