Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 for making/editing wedding videos at
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Old May 10th, 2010, 02:48 PM   #1
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Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 for making/editing wedding videos

Anyone use Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 for making/editing wedding videos.

I find it so much easier to use than Adobe Premiere or even Sony Vegas. For the pros out there, is Corel's product sufficient enough to produce professional videos? It seems to me it has plenty to produce a quality video and highlights and presents well, but i'm a newbie and haven't really been out there. So I might now know what I'm missing.
Raji Ahmed is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 16th, 2010, 03:49 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Manchester UK
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Raji, there's not quality or factors in wedding videos which make any one editing platform more appropriate to that work than any other - assuming you're not going to be seduced by the frames of bells, bows and wedding rings some offer which will, in my view, mark out your work as amateur.

If you're comfortable with a platform and it meets your needs, then use it. I use Avid Liquid primarily because I've used it and its predecessors (including MC many years ago) for a long time and because its multicam feature is invaluable. It's no longer a current platform and we have no need for the next product up, the current Media Composer, but merely because there are newer platforms doesn't make out current one any less effective. We shall stick with Liquid until the OS fails to support it, then we'll look for a replacement.

Finally, most software companies these days like to sell you the "complete" package. I started this game before it was practical so I have an editing platform, a coding platform and an authoring platform, each of which I regard as the best for me. I can only recommend you do the same experimentation (most software is available in trial versions) and make up your own mind.
Philip Howells is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 16th, 2010, 09:17 AM   #3
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Hi Philip

Absolutely!! I have yet to see a decent all-in-one package that will suit anyones exact needs. Vegas Pro 9 suits my exact needs BUT only for editing!!

When it comes to the DVD I do it all in DVDLab because it has the features that I want and DVD Architect which comes with Vegas does not!!

One NLE isn't better than the other..if there were any really bad ones they wouldn't be on the market so Raji, others cannot tell you yes or must try it and discover if the work flow and end result suits you or not!!!

BTW Philip ..just finished shooting the lovely couple from Manchester this evening...the Mum was born and bred there too but all are down-under now!!! I mentioned PHP to them just in case they knew of you but it seems your city is a huge place!!!

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Old May 16th, 2010, 11:02 AM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Manchester UK
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Thanks Chris - before it became PHP Wedding Videos we were almost entirely B2B - and the broadcast things were in France and Germany. And who looks at the production company except other production companies. A matter of being a small fish in a small pool!
Philip Howells is offline   Reply

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