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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old April 15th, 2010, 11:43 AM   #1
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New Logo

What do you all think?
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New Logo-storybook-weddings-copyright.png  
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Old April 15th, 2010, 12:04 PM   #2
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Tell us some more about your business. Who is your target bride? What type of product do you offer? Do you compete more on price or quality? What is a good logo for one business isn't necessarily good for another.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 01:01 PM   #3
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Well, since you want an OPINION... Here is mine...

I think it's too busy. I think that the carriage, while a traditional wedding means of conveyance, is not really exemplary of your name "Storybook". Have you thought about trying to integrate an actual book type element into the logo? For me, the idea of a "Storybook" wedding is the "Happy ending" after the white knight rescues the princess...

All of that being said...IMO, simple is always best.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 02:37 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Travis Cossel View Post
Tell us some more about your business. Who is your target bride? What type of product do you offer? Do you compete more on price or quality? What is a good logo for one business isn't necessarily good for another.
My target bride is higher end. I'm just entering into the market, but that will be my final destination. My products will be more cinematic rather than point and shoot and I will most certainly be going off quality. While I understand that I've got plenty of room to grow as far as my knowledge of subjects, equipment, etc, I do want to create a very classy, elegant, clean look. My description I wrote for myself before designing were the words: elegant, bright, happy, epic, clean, associated with weddings.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 02:41 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Shaughan Flynn View Post
Well, since you want an OPINION... Here is mine...

I think it's too busy. I think that the carriage, while a traditional wedding means of conveyance, is not really exemplary of your name "Storybook". Have you thought about trying to integrate an actual book type element into the logo? For me, the idea of a "Storybook" wedding is the "Happy ending" after the white knight rescues the princess...

All of that being said...IMO, simple is always best.
I definitely do want opinions and appreciate them.

An original thought of mine was to have storybook some how incorporated with a illustrated bride and groom. I began to look through ideas and the "oo" in storybook stuck out as a possible carriage such as one in Cinderella. However, I didn't want to be too cliche and wanted to keep a classy look rather than cartoonish connections.

The intro reel to all videos will have a book on a table that opens up to find it is a pop up book where the logo comes out (possible the name first, then the carriage) along with light glowing dust. This would more of complete the idea.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 04:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ryan ONeil View Post
My target bride is higher end. I'm just entering into the market, but that will be my final destination. My products will be more cinematic rather than point and shoot and I will most certainly be going off quality. While I understand that I've got plenty of room to grow as far as my knowledge of subjects, equipment, etc, I do want to create a very classy, elegant, clean look. My description I wrote for myself before designing were the words: elegant, bright, happy, epic, clean, associated with weddings.
I'm going to be completely honest with you. If your target is higher end brides then you've missed them with that logo. To me that logo smacks of cheap clip art, no offense, but that's how brides will view it. Take a look around at high end retailers and see what their logos look like. Simple and elegant is definitely better.

I would seriously suggest hiring out the logo design to a professional. We wear a lot of hats in this business already, and sometimes you just have to know when you're out of your element. A solid designer will get you where you want to be. Trust me on this. I have a background in graphic design and we recently hired out our new branding to a design firm because I just wasn't feeling it on my own anymore.

If you were just marketing to the low-end on price then I would say go ahead and design your own logo because the bride is going to care more about how your price compares to everyone else than how your logo compares. But if you're aiming for high end you really need to show it in the logo and in your branding.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 05:01 PM   #7
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Good opinion. I likely will move to new branding once I get things running better.

My problem right now is I'm having trouble finding many good looking logos. I've found maybe 2. Any good suggestions? (I'm unable to find my refocus book at the moment...I know that had a few.)
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Old April 15th, 2010, 05:39 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Ryan ONeil View Post
Good opinion. I likely will move to new branding once I get things running better.
probably not the best idea... branding is something that you want to get pretty much almost spot on the first time. Because it is what people perceive you on their first impression.

Spend some time and $$$ on branding and it will get you places. It is not the easiest thing but its worth it.

Just my two cents :)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about motion picture?
website: | blog:
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Old April 15th, 2010, 06:39 PM   #9
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Gah...I love and I hate getting opinions from people on here...because I can never look at my work the same again. (Good thing)

Let me take this back. Upon thinking about it, I'm possibly going towards the more middle of the road Brides. I'm looking to end up with packages between 3 to 6 thousand. Would that still be high end?
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Old April 16th, 2010, 12:16 AM   #10
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$6k is approaching the higher end market, $3k is where the mid range would start (in most markets).

I would have to say that the animation you're talking about is a common idea. I also echo most of the feelings here that the logo looks really "cheap" and "corny". An issue I have with your descriptor words are that they are a bit generic. It's like saying you want an edgy logo, very very generic term that everyone was throwing around the past few years.

I suggest to find an up and coming designer to help with your logo, design, and branding. It would be money well spent.

If you decided to continue designing your own logo / branding, here is the first result in google for "best logos" : 50+ Kick Ass Logos for Inspiration | Fuel Your Creativity

scroll to the bottom and it has some links for designing a good logo. There is a few guidelines to a well designed logo you will find by reading those links.

What market you're marketing too doesn't negate the fact that a well designed and thought out logo/brand would benefit you more than one that looks cheap and corny. I'd venture to say you'll have a hard time reaching the $3k-$6k bride with that type of brand unless your work is stellar or your sales skills are superb.

Cheers and good luck
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Old April 16th, 2010, 02:21 AM   #11
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Some excellent advice in here for you, Ryan. I just want to add that if you're just starting up your business you're probably going to going through multiple face lifts over the lifetime of your business. Don't set yourself up for anxiety right now by thinking you have to figure out your branding for life. You also mentioned that your skills aren't where you eventually want them to be, so again, your product is likely going to go through a few face lifts too.

Also, the absolute best thing you can do is go solicit opinions on your logo/branding from others ... especially women. It's hard to hear sometimes, but in the end it will really help you. Good luck!
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Old April 16th, 2010, 11:46 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Randy Panado View Post
$6k is approaching the higher end market, $3k is where the mid range would start (in most markets).

I would have to say that the animation you're talking about is a common idea. I also echo most of the feelings here that the logo looks really "cheap" and "corny". An issue I have with your descriptor words are that they are a bit generic. It's like saying you want an edgy logo, very very generic term that everyone was throwing around the past few years.

I suggest to find an up and coming designer to help with your logo, design, and branding. It would be money well spent.

If you decided to continue designing your own logo / branding, here is the first result in google for "best logos" : 50+ Kick Ass Logos for Inspiration | Fuel Your Creativity

scroll to the bottom and it has some links for designing a good logo. There is a few guidelines to a well designed logo you will find by reading those links.

What market you're marketing too doesn't negate the fact that a well designed and thought out logo/brand would benefit you more than one that looks cheap and corny. I'd venture to say you'll have a hard time reaching the $3k-$6k bride with that type of brand unless your work is stellar or your sales skills are superb.

Cheers and good luck
Thanks for the link. I do quite a bit of logo study so I've seen most of those. However, I've only made about 5 or 6 logos so the actual practice is what I'm needing and the feedback helps. I appreciate the honesty!
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Old April 16th, 2010, 01:24 PM   #13
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Try this out for logo ideas:

Stock Logo Search | 99designs

It is a site where designers put up pre-made logos and for $99 they incorporate your name and change around the colors to what you want. You can also find a designer for pretty cheap there.

I did an initial search for "book" and got a LOT of great hits. Hope this helps!
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Old April 16th, 2010, 06:03 PM   #14
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When you're limited on budget, it's better to err on the conservative side rather than getting too adventurous.
If that's the case, just find a nice clean font use. offers free fonts, if you don't have any you like.

You can do a lot worse that have a nice white font over a black background - it may not be as elaborate as you want, but the classics never go out of style. Also, when you look at your logo, ask yourself "will this seem dated in 2, 5 or 10 years" If the answer is yes, you probably shouldn't go with it.

Good luck and post share whatever you come with with us.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 08:35 PM   #15
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Thanks for the words William!

I will have to disagree though on the 5 or 10 years. Graphic design will definitely move on to something new. A big drawback for my logo was my use of a serifed font (for some reason I was liking the dreamworks look) but right now, the rage is clean sans-serif look. That won't stay the same for several years. I'm guessing everyone will rebrand a little as it changes.
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