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Old April 12th, 2010, 02:24 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Name Order???

Hi All

Just was wondering who pays attention to the B&G's name on the DVD cover???

I just have their first names but stay with convention and have the groom first (ie: Tom and Rebecca) I stay with that format also if I use their new name .eg : Tom and Rebecca Clarkson

What is considered correct ?? The Groom first or the Bride first??? I'm often tempted to say "Rebecca and Tom" as she has done so much more work, she contacted me and she paid me too!!! (even if it was from his account)

Which way around do you put the names????

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Old April 12th, 2010, 03:47 AM   #2
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I rarely see a 'bride + groom' name order.. in fact, I may have never seen one! I'd stay with general convention of 'groom + bride' name order as it's the case generally in our society.. its mr & mrs. :)
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Old April 12th, 2010, 07:50 AM   #3
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Hi Chris

As a rule, we put the bride's name first. In some cases, we will use the groom's name first if that is how the invitation is worded or all of their friends refer to them that way.


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Old April 12th, 2010, 08:01 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Thanks Guys

One for the girls and one for the guys!! It's an interesting concept actually!!! The "old fashioned" way always puts the husband first but things do fact if a formal letter to adressed to a couple it will often read Mr and Mrs Tom Jones not even Mr and Mrs Tom and Mary Jones. My DVD cover posed shots usually have the bride on the left and the groom on the right so I have always been tempted to keep the name caption correct with the bride first but have always reverted to the conventional way

Hmm I guess we are in a world where equality is becoming ever important but I must admit that no-one has ever questioned the name order on their DVD's!! A mate was doing a DVD today and asked me "Which way around???" Hence the post here!!

Some other opinions would be nice to see which way the tend is leaning toward??? Which order do others use???

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Old April 12th, 2010, 08:30 AM   #5
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We have always and only ever put the "bride + groom" = ladies first!
Seems to be pre-assumed by couples without question here in UK, whenever we ask them directly "which way do you want it?"

It's already that way on the Invitations, Orders of Service, menus, 'Save the Date' cards, etc...

(I love the way people assume "their" way is the "conventional" way.)
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Old April 12th, 2010, 09:42 AM   #6
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Bride & Groom.

Usually first names only.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 01:50 PM   #7
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Here in New Zealand we follow the UK tradition also.

I always put bride first then groom... full names... but thinking of changing to just first name.

I would see bride first on about 80% of 'order of service' sheets at the church... sometimes groom first, but I think that's only if they hadn't thought about it to carefully.

I actually had a couple around once - the groom was an absolute tosser - completely self-obsessed, I really pitied the bride. Anyhow, when I was writing their names down, he piped up and said, no - my name SHOULD be first. Bride didn't object and I obliged. Marriage lasted 3 months.

Funnily enough, the same thing happened 2 years later.

gr : "My name SHOULD be first".
me : "No sorry, not on DVD's I produce - bride's name goes first"
gr : "Why?"
me : "Out of courtesy and respect to the bride"
gr : "Oh <gulp>..... ok"

It was one of those couples I didn't really want to fight for, was already booked to the hilt so was calling all the shots - politely but firmly. Felt good.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 01:53 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
TMy DVD cover posed shots usually have the bride on the left and the groom on the right so I have always been tempted to keep the name caption correct with the bride first
Yeah - another good reason. Bride is usually posed on the left side of the groom (as you look at them) so that the grooms flower, is furthest away from the bride to balance the photo up and not crushed into her dress.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 03:08 PM   #9
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We do something different and feel it maintains the best level of equality between the bride and groom. We simply combine their names together to make the title. So if the groom's name is Bob and the bride's name is Mary then we title the DVD's "Bary". If the groom's name is David and the bride's name is Rebecca, then the title is "Debeccid". You get the idea.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 06:58 PM   #10
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Bride first...
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:03 PM   #11
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I begin by copying what the couple has put on the invitations or the program they hand out to guests

If they do not have a program, the convention where I work (in rural Montana) is bride first and groom second.

Otherwise, I look at how formal a wedding it is. If it is very formal, I use full maiden name for the bride and full name for the groom. (That's how most programs and invites are printed around here.) It is is very informal, I'll use only the first names.

There have been a few times when the couple has come up with a logo (in Montana, they call it a "brand") where the first names are combined with an intertwining font, and I just scan that in and do an overlay. (Gotta love Photoshop!).
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Old April 15th, 2010, 07:18 PM   #12
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Chris, I think it depends on the wording on the invitation, how you word the title and how modern your couple are.

The traditional invite is from the bride's parents announcing the marriage of their daughter XXX to XX the son of XXX etc. If you maintain the marriage "to" then the bride must come first.

We generally stick with "The wedding of bride and groom", partly because it saves arguments and the thing we're addressing is after the event. This really means the argument should be between our preferred format and "The wedding of Mrs and Mrs XX XXXX", but that's a minefield.

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Old April 15th, 2010, 07:33 PM   #13
Inner Circle
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Hi Philip

Thanks!! The flights to the UK are somewhat chaotic at the moment with all the airports closed ..however better to stay where you are than plunge to earth with multiple engine failure!!!!

Funny, I booked a bride last night and asked them about the name order and they said "Anyway around..we are not fussy!!"

Hope you get home soon!!

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Old April 18th, 2010, 11:08 PM   #14
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Hi Chris,

"Old School" is how my Mother taught me and using "Old School" etiquette it is ALWAYS Mr. and Mrs. John Jones...... or his name first, her's second.

Now a buddy of mine's daughter got married and I actually saw the Thank you cards addressed Her and Him Jones...... which blew me away..... until I thought about WHO actually wrote them. Needless to say, one of them thinks the world revolves around themself...... I'll let you guess which one. :-)
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