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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old April 20th, 2010, 11:59 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Mike Hammond View Post
Hi Everyone,

Since I'm relatively new to the wedding videography scene, I thought I would ask this question of the forum's more experienced people.

As with every business, I know there are slow and down times, and busy tmes. Weddings get a little less frequent in the Winter as opposed to Summer, referrals pick up in the beginning of the year because of couples getting engaged over the holidays, etc.

Right now, I am experiencing a drop in new referrals and I'm wondering if this is early Spring slowdown that I should be expecting or maybe something else is going on. I'm hoping as Summer gets closer, my Fall will begin to fill out a little more. I'm pretty full right through mid-September, and I have some weddings scheduled, spottily in October and November. But overall, I need to get some more Fall/Winter gigs lined up.

Thanks for any insight you can share.
I didn't have time to read all the other responses right now, so hopefully I'm not just rehashing. Anyways, the answer to your question is that it depends a bit on the market you are in. For our market, we always have a slow-down in leads during the March/April months, and then it kicks up again in May as people realize they have a wedding in 2 or 3 months and they need to get going. d;-)
Black Label Films
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Old April 21st, 2010, 01:23 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Hi Kelly

Denny, I think it also depends on what market you are serving too!! I do budget weddings (sorta $1200 variety) and there is still business...I would have thought that maybe the "middle class" bride would be the one hardest hit during the recession (the super rich that want an $8K video wouldn't be affected..they could always sell a couple of Lamborginis to pay for the wedding)

It might be worth your while to see if changing your packages will help...don't compromise your work, just offer the same quality but less time. I have found this year that a lot of my brides are opting for "ceremony and reception up to the first dance" and foregoing the bridal prep and staying till the end to keep within budget. Maybe offer a shorter time package (my budget package has me on site for 6 hours max!!)


I was turned down for a $500 ceremony and signing only type package cause they can't afford it. They did say they thought I was well worth the price but they need to cut back.

Seems to be common this year. We have a lot of destination weddings here as this is wine country and pretty hot and sunny from spring to fall. My mother is a marriage commissioner (gov't officiant) and she said most of the weddings are pretty small this year. 5-10 guests on average. Doesn't effect her but she did notice the brides booking here are keeping the weddings rather small.

Over all video business is really slow. Haven't had a concert/event booking in months and I was so busy last fall/early winter I could barely think. A Corporate gig cancelled and hired students for @#$%'s sake. And we were already offering a cut rate.

I do concur that it depends on the City though. This area is kinda odd to begin with. Mega rich people that never spend money locally mixed with a middle class that *thinks* they are rich and are in debt to their eye balls. Oil money fuelled this Vacation town for years but that work in Alberta has largely dried up (Kelowna, BC is/was Alberta's playground and a lot of oil workers moved there families here while they worked in camps 8 months a year).

Well, we'll see if it picks up. Crossing fingers. :)
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Old April 21st, 2010, 04:51 AM   #18
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Hi Bryan,

Thanks for the kudos! I'd be happy to help on anything you have going.
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