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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old April 25th, 2010, 05:07 PM   #16
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Michael, here is a link you could use to show your brides how sorry they will be if they don't hire a professional videographer YouTube - One Regret from Our Wedding
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Old April 26th, 2010, 12:06 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Michael Ojjeh View Post
Michael, here is a link you could use to show your brides how sorry they will be if they don't hire a professional videographer YouTube - One Regret from Our Wedding
Hey Michael. If they are my bride, they already know how important a video is. My point is how do we educate the brides that aren't considering video?
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Old April 26th, 2010, 12:32 PM   #18
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I have a video of the day my daughter was born. I also have a whole lot of photos of that day. But only the video allows me to replay the first words I ever spoke to her. The days following her birth were such a blur from lack of sleep, that until I watched the video, I had no recollection of what I said.

I don't watch the video every day, but I'm so glad I have it. I think the same goes for wedding videos. The first time you watch it, you'll be so glad you got one.
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Old April 26th, 2010, 08:16 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Michael Simons View Post
Hey Michael. If they are my bride, they already know how important a video is. My point is how do we educate the brides that aren't considering video?
They're beginning to educate themselves Michael. Ten years ago a Bride would ask "do I need a Wedding Video" on a Bridal Forum and 99% of the replies would be in the negative. If she posts that question today the majority of the replies would be positive. They are seeing what is out there via the Internet and realising wedding videos don't have to be bland documentary style, don't have to feature shaky camera work with muffled sound and don't have to feature the Brides Head cut in half at the top of the screen :) The buzz created by the Australian Wedding filmed by the Still Motion crew on Australian bridal Forums was so gratifying to witness..I think they all consider it now, 10 years ago it never even really rated a second thought. If your work is good enough you will get Brides wanting it now. Times are changing mate and it's all for the better.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 11:33 AM   #20
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From someone who just got married last summer, I was working on a budget. My husband and I were paying for the wedding for the most part from our own pockets. There was no question that I wanted a videographer, but couldn't afford to pay 1-2K for a video. I wanted to, but couldn't. Same for photographs. I ended up finding a videographer from Craigslist who was willing to to shoot my wedding, an all day event, and all I asked him was for raw footage of mpeg files. He charged me $500. That was good enough for me, because I was going to edit it myself to save the money. The one thing I wish he had was an HD camcorder, otherwise it worked out.

So did I think that capturing this once in a lifetime moment that can never be duplicated was important? Absolutely. It was high on my priority list. No one had to convince me. But I had to do what made sense for me at the time financially. And I'm sure these discount videographers hurt the business for everyone else, but in my case, I basically paid the guy about 40/Hr just to shoot the wedding/reception and then transfer it on to a DVD. So I agree, discounts are ok, if you reduce the service you're providing. Not the quality, but the quantity.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 06:39 PM   #21
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Funny that I noticed this thread - I just received a thank-you email from my customers which clearly confirms why we are needed:

"I have to tell you that I've watched the video once, but my wife, I'm not sure, at least few times. I was never convinced about wedding videos before, but after watching ours I changed my mind. It is really worth it to have it done. Pictures are beautiful but they cannot show motion and the most important sounds and music."
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Old April 29th, 2010, 04:43 PM   #22
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I'd like to expand on this topic: What do you tell a bride that says she can't afford you, but she has never seen your work? I think that once they do see my work, the will be able to find the money to afford me.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 04:58 PM   #23
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Hi Michael

The more important thing is to try and educate brides to place wedding video closer to the top of the priority list rather than down near the bottom. For some reason we tend to be way down the list and by the time the bride has booked an expensive venue, an over-priced photographer and the limos etc etc she finds she has precious little left in her budget for the "less important" things and unfortunately video tends to be in that category for a lot of brides. I think that the bride is truely genuine when she says that she cannot afford a video BUT if she had us up there alongside the photographer then we would be up the priority list when she still has some money to spend. For the educated brides who realise that video IS important, they normally don't have a budget issue.

I was very pleased to book a couple last week who announced to me that a wedding video is essential but she couldn't afford a photographer so will just get a family member to shoot a few shots. That's the sort of situation we really need with all brides!!

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Old April 29th, 2010, 07:01 PM   #24
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It happened to me too. I did video by myself - without photog. In such situations I also don't mind helping them out and grabbing ones camera and take pics of the whole family - I don't need to film everything, and they're happy that they have all their guests in pictures :-)
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Old April 30th, 2010, 12:46 AM   #25
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Hi Lucas

It's great to see that some brides think that the video is more important !! In fact, since I won't be doing too much after the congratulations after the ceremony, I'll probably grab my still cam and do some group shots of the family at the Church ... Some brides are getting it right!!

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