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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old January 2nd, 2010, 06:38 PM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Santa Clara, CA
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Originally Posted by Marty Welk View Post
worse will be when they do :-) but still know nothing about lighting for video.
the worst VIDEO lighting can come from the most expert lighting person, who didnt take any concideration for it being videoed.
That is Sooo-ooo-ooo true. Stage lighting is VERY different from video lighting. One difference is the use of spotlights for dramatic effect or emphasis. When watching a stage event live, the human eye can cope with this much better than a camera can. In effect, the human eye and brain have a much greater dynamic range than a camera does.

Another problem is that stage lighting also tends to be very stark and as a result it can be unflattering to faces. With a fashion show, there is often a desire to emphasize the garments at the expense of faces. Optimum lighting for clothing emphasizes texture and benefits from more contrast with the lighting.

A movie of a fashion show would be shot with very different lighting than that used at an actual fashion show. Stage lighting comes from overhead at a high angle. The lighting on a movie set is setup however the DP says. But when you are shooting an actual live fashion show, you are going to have lighting issue that you have to live with and do the best you can to cope with them. You don't have the latitude to play DP.
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Old January 2nd, 2010, 08:08 PM   #17
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and "Deal with it" we do, and i still cant figure out WHY i gotta deal with it.
One stage group we did , they rented lighting setup, 8 really bright lights, in the audience area , just plopped in and aimed, mostly front in flatter lighting. for years they used that simple method, and we got great pics, with little problems.
that SAME group, goes into the theatre, along with all sorts of horrible theatre lighting. we struggle through it with "Half-Face" "Shoulder Glow" "Black Holes" in areas, and the notorious "Goth Eyes" :-) (luckily no "god has arrived" spotlight yet) and every other imaginable horror we can get with theater lighting.
The same group looks at thier New Revised (make me barf) editition of thier video and they like it.
What the Hey, the customer is always right.
Sometimes if i Beg they will toss a bit more front raw lighting on the thing without effecting the audience much, and it makes the situation more survivable.

I had better lighting when the "work lights" were the only thing on :-)
Re-learning everything all over again, one more time.
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