Where the 5D and 7D really shine at DVinfo.net
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old December 27th, 2009, 04:05 PM   #1
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Where the 5D and 7D really shine

Not sure there is a question here, so much as an observation. I've read a lot of threads lately about the 5D and how some people hope the overuse of shallow DOF doesn't lead to these cameras being seen as a gimmick or cliche. We do not have one, but have talked about getting one when the money is there.

I do like to use shallow DOF beauty shots here and there, but what makes me want a 5D more than anything is the preps footage I see shot with them. We shoot in churches 90% of the time (as opposed to places that have a lot of outdoor, chapel, or banquet-hall weddings). Our brides & grooms are often getting ready in, say, the church nursery. We do instruct our clients whenever possible and appropriate (i.e. please put your dress on in front of the plain cement wall instead of the feltboard with Jonah & the Whale on it) but we still often have preps footage that I would love so much more if it weren't for the stack of chairs or cribs in the background.

With the 5D/7D (or 35mm adapter) you can use shallow DOF to draw the viewer's eye to the subject... you can make them see what you want them to see, instead of the mess around the subject, because the cribs, chairs, etc... are out of focus. I may be stating the obvious here, but it's just funny to me how there are so many discussions about people changing their shooting styles after buying these cameras, when I think the real beauty of them is that they can take our existing style (of just trying to get solid, well-framed, steady footage with a splash of creativity) to the next level.
Sarah Pendergraft
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Old December 27th, 2009, 05:15 PM   #2
Major Player
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Posts: 351
I agree with you Sarah.
Ian G. Thompson is offline   Reply

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