Need Advice on Shooting a Quinceanera at
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Old June 29th, 2005, 08:19 PM   #1
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Need Advice on Shooting a Quinceanera

We have been asked to shoot a Quinceanera. Although we have shot weddings before, this will be our first Quinceanera. I would greatly appreciate any resources, links, suggestions, advice, etc for producing a Quinceanera DVD.

I have googled the Internet and searched the forums, and have found little. In fact nothing here at What would be most helpful is a detailed list of events/activities that generally take place at a Quinceanera. And of course it would really be great to view a sample video that someone has produced.

We know how to produce DVD videos of special events (weddings, etc) in general. What I'm looking for is information specific to Quinceaneras.

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Old June 29th, 2005, 11:28 PM   #2
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Can I assume you found this
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Old July 20th, 2005, 10:04 PM   #3
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Hi Pete,

I'm sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. Has the event passed, or are you still looking for information? If you need it, I've got it. :)
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Old July 21st, 2005, 07:06 AM   #4
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Still Need Help

Hi Lorinda,

Yes I'm still looking for information. Any help greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
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Old July 21st, 2005, 08:27 AM   #5
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They're not unlike shooting a wedding, only without a groom! "Coverage" can be an all-day affair. On the last one I was asked to shoot, the dad wanted me at the home by 10am for the "getting ready" phase, then at the church for the ceremony at noon, then at the home again for the backyard celebration in the afternoon, and finally, at the event center that evening for the dance.

Once he recovered from the shock of the estimate I gave him for a shoot like that he said I should pare down some by limiting my time at the church to "just the significant parts," forgetting the afternoon celebration, and just shooting the significant dances--like the dad/daughter dance. "That way it won't use up your whole day," he said. :)

I'm sorry I don't have a clip to share with you, Pete. When I gave him my rock-bottom price of $300 the phone went dead for a while, then he told me to think about it and if I could do it for less to call him back. Just like with a wedding, I think this dad had shelled out much more money than he'd planned. Guess I put him over the edge. :)

If you need more specifics, just ask. I've got easy access to folks who would know.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 08:49 AM   #6
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Thanks for the info.

Wow, $300 sounds like a steal! Did he end up accepting your bid?

If you don't mind sharing, what is the range and average fee paid for Quinceaneras?
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Old July 21st, 2005, 09:08 AM   #7
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To be honest, Pete, I haven't had anyone accept my quotes yet! In Idaho I think the idea of having them shot/produced by someone other than a family member is just now catching on. Trouble is, they're expecting something more in the $50-$200 range and I just won't go there.

One lady told me that for $300 she could buy her own camcorder. I (cheerfully) told her maybe that's what she should do. :)

Sorry I'm not more help in that area. Looks like I promised more info than what I could deliver!
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Old July 21st, 2005, 10:54 AM   #8
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Thanks again. You've been very helpful. This is a relatively new market as far as I can tell.

I guess you really don't want a client who compares the price of a cheap consumer camcorder with the services of a professional videographer. I think I'd be tempted to politely respond with "I wonder how people justify spending thousands, even millions, on paintings when the paint brushes and paints cost less than $100."

We have quite a large Hispanic population here in Houston. I hope some of them will value a keepsake video for this once-in-a-lifetime even for their daughter. I suspect its going to take some good marketing to break into this area.

Best Regards,
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Old July 21st, 2005, 12:31 PM   #9
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Hi Lorinda!

That's a new one on me. A "Quinces" is generally just a large birthday party to celebrate a young girl's passage into womanhood. I've NEVER heard of one that is combined with a church service.

As for rates. In Miami, $700 and up is about par for a finished product and that price is pretty conservative. My daughter just danced a Quinces that had to have cost over $75K!

For one of my daughters we did a 5-day Quinceanera cruise and for the other one she chose to throw a large party for her and her friends. Both of these had an abbreviated Quinces ceremony.

"The future ain't what it used to be." Yogi Berra.
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Old July 21st, 2005, 01:05 PM   #10
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Hey RB!

Dang! You live in a whole other world, you know that? Over here we're talking about folks who's annual salary is $40-50K--maybe. There are a handful in the income bracket like what you've mentioned, but they aren't the ones calling.

As for the church, yep, that's pretty much the going thing. Almost all the folks who have moved up here from Mexico are Catholic--I guess they've integrated this aspect into the ceremony/festivities.

So there you have it, Pete; cheeeaap rates in Idaho, more like it in Florida.

Good "talking" with ya, Rick! (That other place is down more than it's up!) ;)
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Old August 5th, 2005, 07:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rick Bravo
That's a new one on me. A "Quinces" is generally just a large birthday party to celebrate a young girl's passage into womanhood. I've NEVER heard of one that is combined with a church service.

Now you have! I was searching here for this, because I just walked in the door from a successful bidding consultation for shooting/editing one. It's going to have a mass, and then a dance.

Also, re: the other stuff, I live in a relatively low income area (deep south rural town). The father called me from a business card he got from a local photographer, and he chose me right off because the other videographer wanted to charge him $50 just to consult with him. Don't even painters and other contractors give free estimates? Course, glad of it, cause I got the gig.

Anyway, anyone that wants to share some detail that would be worth my while to know, bring it on!

Linda! What part of Idaho? I used to live right near the border in West Yellowstone Montana, near Pocatello (sp?), Island Park.....we could ride up a dirt road mountain right across from our home and look out across the triple border of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, which was very distinct because the forests were cut right up to the borders in different ways, due to each states policies. Weird to see from up there.
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Old August 5th, 2005, 10:19 PM   #12
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Hi Daniel,

Congratulations on getting the job! It sounds like a long day. If you think of it, could you share the experience here when you've completed the job?

Island Park--considered home of some of the best fly fishing anywhere. You lived in a pretty area. By contrast, I live near Boise. Not that white water rafting on the beautiful Payette River isn't just 45 minutes away, but the valley is pretty darn dry. Especially now (sixth year of drought).

Thanks for asking, and best wishes on the shoot!
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Old August 5th, 2005, 10:34 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lorinda Norton
Island Park--considered home of some of the best fly fishing anywhere. You lived in a pretty area.
Yes indeed! We lived in West Yellowstone (wife and I) and both worked at the Yellowstone IMAX. We would spend about 5 hours a day in Yellowstone. Once, Bill Clinton came out there for the (as you mentioned) awesome fly fishing (pres at the time) and it was hilarious! All the secret service men were trying to blend in and look like other fly fishermen, but the ALL still had the tags hanging off their fishing vests AND sunglasses! They looked positively ridiculous!

We recently went back out there for our Honeymoon (yeah....we were just shacked up out there before!) and it rekindled our pangs for living in such a spectacular place. Never made it to Boise though. Really though, the whole area out there is beautiful, especially when it's all new to you, as it was for us. The general landscape is an extreme contrast to Georgia.

Oh, and yes....I will indeed share when the job is done. It will be on Nov 26th.
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