Anyone using Litepanels for receptions? at
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Old December 17th, 2009, 12:30 PM   #1
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Anyone using Litepanels for receptions?

I was thinking of getting an on-camera light for my HVX170 to be used for receptions and such. I definitely do not want to have a light on a stand somewhere on the reception floor. Too much set up and chance of damage to light and/or guest.

Are these lights overkill? I see they have the microlite (the square on the camera) and the ringlite (the ring of LED lights around the lens). They do have a dimmer switch I see.

I assume too much/big of a light and all your subjects hide from you and the scary light.

Thanks for your input.

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Old December 17th, 2009, 01:14 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Well, Alden .. we have the Litepanels Micro and we've used it a few times here and there. It's a decent light for the price. But at receptions we always use off-camera lighting to achieve a more creative and flattering look. Also, on-camera lighting .... no matter how dim or diffuse it is .... always brings attention to the camera and we don't want that.

So we basically only use the LP Micro in specific situations. We might use it for toasts, for example, where the attention is already on the speaker and we want some more direct light on them (and often they are nowhere near the dance floor where we have our off-camera lighting set up). But mostly, we haven't been using on-camera lighting.
Black Label Films
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Old December 17th, 2009, 02:42 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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I've been using the LPMicro since it came out and while it does draw attention in some cases to the camera most people really don't notice it. At least not to the point of bothering them.
As for use, first keep in mind it's a 25 watt light so it's not relly all that bright to begin with. Second, personally I keep the diffusio filter and 1/4 CTO on it at ALL times. This does 2 things. It warms it up a bit AND it knocks it down to about 20W effective.
If I really need to light things up, I use my Anton Bauer Ultralight with a 50W bulb and a softbox but I haven't had to do that for quite a while.
While I love the lightweight of the light and the fact that it runs off of AA bateries (I use 2200mAh rechargeables and get about 4 hours + out of a set) it is palstic and can and will break parts if dropped. Trust me, mine has hit the floor on a few occassions.
I DO keep the light on the camera but it's not sitting right over the lens. It's up about 1 1/2 inches higher than stock thanks to a mount I've had laying around for a long time.
I've never done off caqmera lighting at a reception as in my mind that COULD be asking for trouble. Cords laying around, people possibly tripping or knocking things over...and while I know a lot of people DO set up lighting I guess I'm too old school and set in my ways. Maybe it's the news shooter in me.
Anyway, I do like the light but also keep in mind the throw is only good for about 8 maybe 10 feet. Again, it's only 25 watts.
I'm sure you;ll get many opinions on what light to buy, I suggest to try to find someplace or someone that has the different lights you are looking at and try them out. That way you can make an informed decision based on your own information rather than 20 other peoples thoughts and experience.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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