720 60p music video? at DVinfo.net
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Old October 11th, 2009, 07:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
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720 60p music video?

I might be tasked to co-produce a very ambitious music video for a very popular band and I’m wondering what are people thoughts on shooting and exporting in 720 60p? Anyone here ever done it?

One of the HD cameras will be a GH1 by the way.
Paulo Teixeira is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 11th, 2009, 09:25 PM   #2
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I'd say - keep it in format all camera can produce. Ie. if all of them can do 720p60 then keep it like that - at least you'll have "even" footage.
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Old October 11th, 2009, 09:30 PM   #3
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Paulo: I just did a low budget 2 camera video shoot (live, not conceptual) with my JVC HD200's at 720P60 and the client LOVED it... they said it totally wasn't what they were expecting - that it was somehow "MORE REAL" than other live music vids they had seen. And they also saw 24P converts for web of the same material and said that was pretty cool as well but wished EVERYONE could see the 60 fps stuff.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
www.roaddogmedia.ca Blog: http://roaddogmedia.wordpress.com/
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Old October 12th, 2009, 12:45 AM   #4
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Lukas Siewior,
All of the cameras will record to 720 60p, so the Z1u that I’ve sometimes used in the past will be miles away from this video.

Shaun Roemich,
I’m glad your client liked the video. That’s very good to hear.

Even though I really don’t like 24p, I was considering it but thinking about how much worse it would look compared to the other cameras that doesn’t need a pull down removal gave me second thoughts. In other words, it just wouldn’t look good pasting footage with other cameras that has a much better looking 24p mode unless the GH1 stays in a stable spot. Besides, theirs a very good chance that they’ll be a lot of movement and 720 60p would still be the best option even if the GH1 didn’t get used.

Anyway, one of the main reasons that I was considering 24p is because it seams to be the format that people chooses when it comes to music videos and I don’t want anyone to tell the clients that the people who worked on the music video must be crazy for choosing 720 60p over 1080 24p. Then again, like I said earlier, their will most likely be fast movement shots and choosing 720 60p may get a lot of praise.
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Old October 12th, 2009, 09:56 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Paulo Teixeira View Post
Anyway, one of the main reasons that I was considering 24p is because it seams to be the format that people chooses when it comes to music videos and I don’t want anyone to tell the clients that the people who worked on the music video must be crazy for choosing 720 60p over 1080 24p. Then again, like I said earlier, their will most likely be fast movement shots and choosing 720 60p may get a lot of praise.
Use the format that you believe looks best. I think a lot of people use 24P because "everyone else is" and therefore they are "supposed" to use it too. When I was a child, my dad's response to a comment like that from me was, "Everyone is going to hell too." There may be some good creative reasons that some may use 24P, but the precedent of others isn't one of them.
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