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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old January 16th, 2005, 12:23 PM   #16
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Sunny makes a good point. Traditional catholic weddings are 45-60 mins long(with mass). The final project would have to be atleast 90 mins to have good coverage considering the longer cerimony. I have a feeling most keep it at 60 mins or less because of compression quality issues.

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Old September 27th, 2006, 09:46 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Sunny Dhinsey
I won't go into great detail (unless somebody would like me to)
but Indian weddings - 5-7 hours - all on video!
Wow..that is a you charge more when you do Indian Weddings? I have a set price for my packages but are usually for traditional weddings like Catholic weddings. I think I have to think twice before I do such wedding.
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Old September 27th, 2006, 09:48 AM   #18
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Around 90 minutes. They are shot and edited as documentaries so the pacing and flow is dictated based on how the events actually transpired.
PAL shooter in NTSC territory
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Old September 27th, 2006, 07:12 PM   #19
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Length of Wedding and Event Videos

I have to admit I have been working to make them shorter. I have never had a client say that the edited result was too short, however I have noticed that some long-form two-hour shows were a little too much for the client to watch, and these folks are the ones who put it on the shelf and don't watch it that much. DVD release has made it easier for viewers to skip around, but that doesn't address the issue of pacing and timing.

An excellent reference I read on the subject called Innovative Concepts of Event Video Production, by Dr. Art Polin ( explains that you don't have to watch all four minutes of a dance to know how they danced. Also, you don't need to see the elements played out in real time. For example, slowmo dissolves of the bridesmaids at about 3-7 sec each are enough to give the viewer the idea. I have even seen 10-minute wedding videos that encompassed the couple's entire wedding experience. The TLC Wedding Story approach is a good example, to.

Now that I'm in HDV, the logistics of shooting and editing make show time management even more imperative.

If you want to learn more about the pacing, editing, and timing or your videos, take a seat next to the screen and watch your clients as they watch what you have produced for them.
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Old September 27th, 2006, 09:21 PM   #20
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40 to 55 minutes and it has zero to do with compression issues. I've been doing short form for almost 6 years now and it was done out of self preservation. I got extremely tired of doing the long form epics (remember this goes back to tape only days and way before that when we did lineal editing) I got so tired of doing the same thing over and over again that I started doing short forms just to keep my sanity and giving that along with the epics to the clients. Once I realized they liked and seemed to prefer the short form more than the other I started offering it as an option, that lasted for about 1/2 a season, I then made it my normal edit. It takes a bit longer to edit it (to make it right and make sense) but my clients still seem to like it and frankly so do I. Over the years I've refined my packages a bit but it's still short form all the way baabbby!

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Old September 28th, 2006, 09:28 AM   #21
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Well there really is no time the finished video "should" be- it really depends on the style of production you are creating. My finished weddings are averaging 30 minutes, as I am interested in making the video as engaging and well paced as possible. You can always give the client the raw footage if they want to see various events in their grueling entirety.

The art in it is the ability to abbreviate the day while capturing the essence of the moments, feelings, and action in a way that DOESN'T feel abbreviated.
Glen Elliott
Cord 3 Films
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Old September 29th, 2006, 01:43 AM   #22
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For our base package weddings videos which typically involve being on location for about twelve hours (11am to 11 pm or so) we'll shoot about nine one hour tapes in total of raw footage using two cameras and then edit that down to video that is about two and a half to three hours long (about two 90 minute DVD's). This includes video that has been edited lightly such as the reception speeches to video edited heavily such as the highlights music video.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 04:12 PM   #23
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I will have a 3 1/2 hour feature on a DVD when I am done.
Most of my Wedding DVD's will be around 2 1/2 to 4 hours total, Ceremont, Reception, montage, Interviews, etc. my camera guy always comes back with 5 hous of footage.

Makes my life hell at times.
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