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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old December 21st, 2004, 12:51 PM   #16
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Amen to that Jeff. Next time, before I accept a wedding, I will make sure that I talk with the minister, otherwise, like you said, they might as well have the family member risk his/hers reputation. My personal opinion is that most people want that ring exchange and the vows captured on their wedding day, so if I'm not allowed to film, what's the point?
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Old December 21st, 2004, 02:33 PM   #17
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This is excellent. It does span many editing styles. Style. Got it boys. If you don't understand style go back to fingerpainting 101 in kindergarten and apply your less than objective "style" of criticism in a forum that might get it in such a brutal manner. Wait don't do that, we don't want you influencing our youth.

As for the montage, what a beauty! The high shot down on the various shaped men was a riot! I'm sure the relatives thought that was genious. I did.
The only conflict that was running parallel in my head as I watched was the use of the black photoshop oval semi-tranparent mask keeping my area of interest square in the middle of the frame. This is perfect for the abstract no detail kind of stuff, and also during the opener and closer. For my head, when you have letterbox, true or overlay, I anticipate and view the entire frame without being constricted to the middle of the frame. Your shots are terrific.

Do you know where the group can get the royalty free version of avi maria? <sp!>

Excellent piece.
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Old December 21st, 2004, 02:52 PM   #18
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THANKS A LOT JIMMY !!! As far as the royalty free version of Ave Maria goes, the one I'm using I got long time ago from someone when MP3 was still an independant site and you actually had a way of contacting the people who would showcase their music.
At this point, the best version I found is available at for $17. Not sure if it will appeal to you because it has more of the classical opera tone, but take a look at it.
Thanks again for your feedback.
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Old December 22nd, 2004, 04:15 PM   #19
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Hi again. If you got that shot of the bride as you said you did, youve done a really good job, well done, and i respect your style, telling people up front, that is fair enough. In response to you asking about the stockings, well its a sexual gesture really. Maybe im old fasioned, but it more for the husbands eyes only if you see what i mean. Yea the younger generation are more sexually open and chilled than the older generation, and you can get away with more. This shot would be the type of shot you may display in a film that was, maybee leading to a sex scene, or the suggestion of a sex scene. Its not that it was sexual, just it kind of gives that gesture. If you had continued with some really emotional shots, of groom as well, or a shot of him getting dressed, you may have got away with it better.
For a camera man i would say good work. You get as many shots as you can, offering up the best. As an editor i would look at wether it is nessecary, how i can cut it up, and where i could put it.
Remembering that families watch thses programmes too, so keeping it on a common shareable theme is good. Some of the old wrinklies will notice the leg, and say nothing. But its just like, well at one time weddings were emotional and deep and meaningfull. I got a lovely shot of the mum inlaw shedding a tear and blended it with the vows. However a lot of the weddings these days are just a big p up for the family, and a lot of people have already been married several times! You cant win, just do your best. How about a leg on the front cover. Ha ha!
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 11:01 AM   #20
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Michael, as for your last suggestion....maybe I could use the frame grab of when the bride was puting her bra on ;-)
lol, Thank for the feedback.
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 11:08 AM   #21
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Can always take it to the honeymoon suite. Sure there is some good footage to be had there too!

Jeff Parker

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Old December 23rd, 2004, 12:48 PM   #22
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Stop giving me these great ideas Jeff , lol
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Old December 26th, 2004, 07:25 PM   #23
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Talking of weddings, when i filmed my first last year, there i stood. In the afterwards reception, proudly with my brand new XM2. A couple of people had asked about my camera, and this guy with a pint in his hand poppes up 'here mate, ive seen one of those cameras before. It was in a porno film'
I quickly explained i was a christian and left the subject! lol.
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