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Old December 4th, 2004, 04:02 AM   #1
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Sample Wedding Photo Montage - Feedback?

Hi all...

Here is a Wedding Photo Montage I put together for a friend at work.

Let me know what you think. I 'borrowed' one of Glen Elliott's effect so I really appreciate his sharing of his videos. Thanks Glen. ^_^

In any case, everything was made from scratch, all the artwork, and compositions were all done in Photoshop.

Let me know what you think.


Some photos were scanned and some were digital stills. The video was taken with an analog 8mm so it was a bit rough.

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Old December 6th, 2004, 07:56 AM   #2
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I liked it, but if your after a critique, i'll be honest abut afew things that not many people consider...

the techniques used, imagery and style is fine, however i felt that some images dragged on for a little too long.

one thing about wedding videos is that what you may want to do is achieve is a high feeling of tension and excitement before the actual wedding. as usually with most people, this is what theyre feeling during the day until they get to the reception.

Everyone is different obviously, however, i foudn that the montage didnt urge me to want to watch it again. Its nto to say it was bad, far from it, it was very elegant, and poised, but still i dont want to see it again fo a few reasons...
Pace and style. Its al fine if thats yoru thing, and each to their own, but i prefer to watch somethign that catches my eye, keeps me hooked until i can only JUST absorb what im seeing..
Then, with that sense of movement, excitement and tension i will want to watch it again to see if i had missed anything in the first viewing.
The music choice was elegant yes, however it wasnt a song choice to reflect their personalities. in Photography, its difficult to catch that split second.. that glint in the eye... when working with photos, i prefer to see a song choice which reflects their personalites, or a song which is meaningful to them. This reflects back on the couple, as some images jstu seemed to be used as fillers in my opinion.

Dont take this the wrong way, i still think it was a brilliant piece of work, but there was no hook for me.

oh one other thing, you did the parrallax sxroll trick on afew images which is really cool (but like the intro to Hope and Faith) and there was a shot of teh basket edge as teh background pulled back.
about 30 seconds or so later there was similar shot with the grooms hands on teh basket edge with the background there. I would have used that shot (with teh ring) as opposed to a jsut the basket as it would have made the screen a little bit busier with information (ie the viewer sees the image of the ring, then they notice the background moving) as opposed to a shot of the basket. I dunno how to explain it, but i didnt find it all that personal, but thats prolly the music.

Again, i think its great work, i jsut feel it could be tightened a little bit to offer the product some replay value, and to personalise the montage with some music choices made by the couple.

Good stuff!!
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Old December 6th, 2004, 11:23 AM   #3
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Hey Peter,

Thanks for the lengthy feedback. That is what I'm after, good feedback to improve on them.

I guess one of the biggest problem was that I had only 5 days to work on this so I agree that it didn't exactly have some tension buildup for some exciting scene. I guess I was trying to capture the memories of what took place that day. They actually picked the songs for the video but I think even if I had my choice, I probably wouldn't know if I can do a better job with other songs. I think more time for a little planning would make more difference on what you are saying about making it more interesting.

I chose those particular scenes for the parallax scroll because they were the easiest to manipulate in Photoshop thus saving me time. ^_^ But I agree, I could have been more careful in choosing that effect.

I'll keep your main suggestions in mind for my future work.

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Old December 20th, 2004, 05:12 PM   #4
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I have photoshop and premiere how do I place pictures in premiere so they slide like this??
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Old December 21st, 2004, 12:24 AM   #5
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Hmmm... I guess you use photoshop to 'extract' the front image (in my case the person or the balloon basket) and then in premiere just combine the two but make sure that your 'extraction' is a transparent one and that's it. Just use the zoom/pan/scan feature to make them move in different directions. I'm not a Premiere user so I really don't know exactly where to go to do the pan and scan but I know in Vegas it's very visual and GUI which makes it very easy.
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Old December 21st, 2004, 03:53 AM   #6
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Hi George,

I couldn't download it onto my Mac :(

Anyhow, judging by the comments I'm pretty sure it's an accomplished piece of work.

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Old December 21st, 2004, 12:41 PM   #7
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I knew I should have encoded a QUICKTIME version. LOL.. I'll do that soon and post the link. It's just a simple photo montage. Nothing big...

Soon enough I'll have to make this my full time job.

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