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Old September 23rd, 2004, 03:05 PM   #16
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<<<-- Originally posted by Nick Jushchyshyn : Looks really nice.

I'm not involved in the wedding market, so I'm just curious, is this song, vinette treatment and overall progression a common demo practice?

I'm certain that, about a year ago, I viewed a demo that looked very similar (had a little more variety and creativity in the shots, but the effects treamtent was about the same) and it also used exactly the same music.

I think it was demo by a guy named Christopher McGuiness ??

I can't seem to find a website to confirm.
Maybe I have the name wrong.
I still have the video on my computer at home somewhere, so I'll try to dig it up for comparisson.

Anyway, I'm just curious about how "standard" something like this is.

Again, really really nice work in there. -->>>

Nick, YES Christopher Mcguinnes's 2003 Demo was my driving inspiration for this piece. I'm a huge fan of Chris's work- easily my favorite videographer next to Joel Perigrine. Not sure if you've seen his work. Anyway Chris's page "was" ...which is now defunct. He moved to LA a few months back. He's subsequently out of the wedding videography business and now shooting for an assistaint editors job on an unnamed popular television show.

I watch a lot of videographer's work I admire and try to learn various aspects for each. I feel in order to grow as a videographer you must expose yourself to as many other works as possible.

The song is definitly a great one- and just a week after I posted this clip in another forum I frequent- another videographer has posted a piece cut to the same song. It's completly fine though I think us as videographers has much to share with each other- whether it be musical choices or shooting/editing styles.

Thank you.
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 06:50 PM   #17
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Very cool. I know if I ever get into wedding work, I'd be happy if my work were half as good as his.
You're demo very very very close! Great job!!!

Bummer about him moving into editing for TV.
Hope he's enjoying it and all, but his wedding demo alone was a pure work of art. I can only imagine how good his complete packages were.

I did find it and uploaded it to my server:
Chris's Wedding Demo (21 Meg MOV)

My wife keeps pushing me to get into wedding work but there just hasn't been enough time. It's one of those areas I think you really need to be devoted to get right. You're obviously doing a great job. If I ever do start to branch out that way, I'll be sure to stop into a GPVA meeting and keep an eye out for you. :)

Have fun.
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 06:55 PM   #18
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Have you seen his 2004 Demo.....WOW. He outdid himself...if you can believe that- it was cut to a track from the Last Samurai.

It was his 2003 demo that litterally woke me up to realize what CAN be done with wedding videography. In other words it upped my standards.
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 07:57 PM   #19
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I never saw the more recent demo.
I'd love to see it though.
If you couldn't host it somewhere, we could exchange emails and perhaps I could mail you a blank CD to burn it to? (Along with some of youre own work too.)

We're actually pretty close to each other (I used to be in a band that played gigs in Lindenwold! Man, those were the days)
I'm closer to Montgomeryville PA these days.

I've also never seen any of Perigrine's stuff. Would be cool to see what it's all about.

I know I won't be getting into weddings anytime soon, but I'm really interested in how several of you guys manage to enhance and present so many subtle moments and end up with a truely emotional piece of work. There are so many cookie-cutter outfits out there that have (for better or worse) turned weddings into an "industry" but I think that there are things that any story teller can learn from people such as yourself, McGuiness and a few others that approach this with dedication as an art form.

Best regards,
- Nick Jushchyshyn
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Old September 23rd, 2004, 10:41 PM   #20
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Well I appreciate even being mentioned in the same sentence as McGuiness- but I'm far from worthy. I look up to Chris and Joel a great deal- and if I'm even half as good as them someday I'll be a happy man.

I know what you mean about the cookie cutter outfits....those are the ones that give wedding videography a bad name- and make most brides either 1.Feel they can do without it or..2.Feel it should cost substancially LESS than photography. All the while I'll put 60+ hours into a single video. Thus I'm going to continue to raise my prices until either people stop booking or I land around where I think my time and effort are worth.

If you'd like to see Joel's work shoot me an email and I'll link you to his site. I don't want to post it here and kill his bandwidth.

Lastly, yes, I'm actually VERY close to Lindenwold...maybe 20 minutes. Oh and if you'd like to see more of my work- I posted a bunch of clips here:
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Old September 29th, 2004, 06:45 PM   #21
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That was awsome I just watched your work. I was very impressed. I was wondering about the flash effect. I would like to do the flash effect. I don't use Vegas, I use Premiere. Can you give any guidence on how to aquire this effect?
richard tamayo
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Old September 29th, 2004, 06:54 PM   #22
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I'm sorry I have no idea how to recreate that effect in Premiere. Maybe keyframe a color curves filter and blow out the highlights...dissolve to a new clip with the end setting on the filter of the first clip (blown out) back down to normal (again using key frames).
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Old September 30th, 2004, 06:09 PM   #23
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Thanks for the reply Glen. Once again good job.
richard tamayo
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Old October 9th, 2004, 06:45 AM   #24
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What music is that in Chris's Video, its beautiful... Im in awe over his work. Its truly amazing what people can do with video and a creative mind like his.

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Old October 13th, 2004, 10:39 AM   #25
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Hi Glenn,

Credit where credit is due and I've got to tell you that that was quality work! It's so refreshing to see a wedding videographer producing work that puts to shame the majority of wedding guys churning out the same old, tired home videos.

Excellent shot compostion, nice movement, masterful editing with subtle effects... You deserve every last dollar you earn and thanks for sharing your talent with us.

Best of luck to you.

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Old October 13th, 2004, 10:54 AM   #26
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Maurice, how did you download this, the link doesn't work!


edit: I see we're talking about a different link to the first post - got it now.

Chris, I've just watched the excellent Genna Highlight Vignette2 - how long did that take to edit, and how many properly manned cameras did you have?


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Old October 13th, 2004, 01:02 PM   #27
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Thanks Maurice and Jonathan.

The editing time logged on that piece including the time to sort through the footage meticulously approached the 10 hour mark.
I spent the first night sorting footage- the other 2 editing and filtering. I know that may seem a bit long- heck I know videographers that complete entire weddings under 20 hours. I treat every wedding like it's own movie. Many hours of personal care is taken in every project so total project times of 60+ hours are the norm.

I'm hoping this extra effort will be visible to potential clients- and they will see the value in what I produce. I hope to stand out above all the videographers in my area ...and be priced accordingly. I'm not at all interested in high volume sales and straight forward (quick-turn around) edits. I'd rather not be remembered for my price but rather for my style.

Thanks all for the encouraging comments- I draw inspiration from it.

Jonathan, this wedding was shot with 4 cameras during the ceremony (2 manned), and 2 cameras at the reception (2 manned).

Here's the links to the other clips I posted:

How I compile my dance footage throughout the night (Wedding Videography):

This peice served as a Bridal Prep AND Intro to a recent project:

This peice was used as an opening for a Nurses Day Ceremony at my day-job: Vignette.mpg

The hightlight vignette from my most recent project: Vignette2.wmv
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Old October 15th, 2004, 06:24 AM   #28
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Thanks, it's interesting to be able to compare things like this to my own work, but I have to know what extra resources are available particluarly in terms of shots.

I think although your sequence was very edited, with well chosen shots I think the music had the real impact, and the editing works brilliantly with it - was this chosen by you or the customer (and is there any more of this kind of music anywhere?) It's very much like the main theme to Gladiator which is my favourite film.

Would you do highlights to more upbeat, faster music?

My highlights sequences are more like a reprise, and they have some audio (like the I dos). They have creativity yes, but I have a full time job too at the moment so I have learned when to stop!

I'll post a link when I have the nerve!

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Old October 15th, 2004, 08:01 AM   #29
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jonathan Nicholas :

I think although your sequence was very edited, with well chosen shots I think the music had the real impact, and the editing works brilliantly with it - was this chosen by you or the customer (and is there any more of this kind of music anywhere?) It's very much like the main theme to Gladiator which is my favourite film.
The music was my choice. Yeah "We Are Free"- Gladiator, is a great piece.

Would you do highlights to more upbeat, faster music?
Yes I don't have a preference when editing- I like faster paced edits as much as I do the slow dramatic ones.

My highlights sequences are more like a reprise, and they have some audio (like the I dos). They have creativity yes, but I have a full time job too at the moment so I have learned when to stop!
Hey I know what you mean- I work 40 hours a week at clerical job. If I had my entire day to edit I'd have more time to invest in my videography.

I'll post a link when I have the nerve!
Great- look forward to it.

Jon -->>>
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 08:57 PM   #30
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Re: My First Highlight Vignette

<<<-- Originally posted by Glen Elliott : Here's the first wedding highlight vignette I've ever posted. -->>>


I just now (Dec 23) caught this thread. Unfortunately, your link no longer works. Is there a new link? I hope so, you have received so many, many great reviews in this thread -- I'd love to see your work.

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