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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old August 11th, 2004, 02:42 AM   #1
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Filming car show (UK)


I hope this part of the forum isn't limited to just weddings I've done one but no more.

I am going to a car show here in the UK. I've cleared my filming with the event organizers and they are happy (As long as they get access to use all the footage.

I was hoping some of you might have some valuable tips on shooting events that you might be willing to share with me.

I've filmed one before but it was my friends show so I had complete access to everything. This show is much bigger.

Kind regards

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Old August 11th, 2004, 07:27 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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this might sound stupid..

angles.. be wierd with it..
if u have a crane or access to one 9Or even a cherry picker (which most trade shaos have ) use it or jump on it..

lights, try to not use them as spotlightin on teh vehicles is deliberate and markettable.. usually these stands are designed to accentuate certain elements of the vehicle.. drawin focus to these elements.. use those provided lights to enhance ur video.. dont use onboard cam lights.. itll ruin the ambience and depending on ur shot, may even ruin it..

music.. choose fittin gmusic with nice sharp cuts.. accentuate the need for urgency in the cut and music selection.. or move the tracks along with the footage.. for example, a 4wd off road vehicle can maybe use tribal chants and Native american music and hymns and chants. A small tight sports car hard uses hard and fast techno..

models.. chicks..
hotties, chicks models...
get them to pose and play to the camera.. ;)
thats what theyre there for man! to sell the car and put it in these gusy heads that drivin a car liek this wil get them a cuties like to one in that red bikini over there ;)

DONT give the footage away.. ofer them copies at their costs.. or a copy of the finsihed product.
Remember theyre not paying you.. however if ur makin a profit from this, be aware that they may have a legal right sor a cut in it..
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Old August 11th, 2004, 08:13 AM   #3
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Thanks for the advice. I don't know whats going to be there till the day.

This is totally off my own back I just asked them if they minded me filming. I'm doing this to try and get some experience and get my name out there. I don't mind not being paid or giving them and edited cut for free (although i 'm not going to give them the whole unedited footage, kind of shooting myself it the foot if i do that).

They said they don't want me reproducing it without their permission which I can well understand but i'm hoping to build up some trust and a rapor so I can film the other car shows (bare in mind that these are two of the countries biggest modified car shows).

I was thinking doing a quick 1 minute cut to music fully edited and sending it to them will a low quality copy of the full footage (or at least the better bits) so they can see what i'm capable of and then choose their own bits which hopefully they will then ask me to edit for further clips.

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Old August 11th, 2004, 08:30 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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hm.. i wouldnt do the latter..

what u can do (i do this with aquariums, Theme parks, car shows etc.. )
Offer them a finished product, but plaster a watermark on a corner.. this way they cant reproduce it without ruining the footage by cropping..

its a demo, so make it known to look like one.
your actual "real" copy doesnt have to have this watermark.

DONT give them raw footage.. use bits and peice of everythign and give ita runnign time of about an hour or so..
If u can find someone to do a narration or voiceover detailing the car mods, paintjob artists/airbrushers.., describing talent, specific show sponsors (sucking up thats free advertising for the sponsors)

hang around to competitions and annouce teh winnders in the videos... ie, highest DynoTune kw rating, best body art, loudest system, most innovative design, best burnout <if they have this> hottest lookin car babe, etc..
These are the actual events.. the cars are all good, but if there are comps, focus on them.. cars DO get boring but you want to create a RECORD of that years event..

ask tehm if they want to offer the dvds to their clients and sponsors.. charge them for duping...
if they want raw, offer it on low quality bitrate dvd-r
editing or leaching ur footage will be worthless if u give them this format. if they want tapes, refuse.

simple, its ur property, but like weddings, the "client" <payin or not> owns the rights to the material.. but not the actual property which the material is stored on..
if u get them to sign a waiver giving u permission to film, edit and use their event at your discretion, with your own property, they cant claim the tapes or footage without your agreement as theyve just signed them to u and released permission to use that footage at your discretion... ;)
Just tell them its for your own records as you will be filmin people in public so this in turn also acts as a release form to the footage of patrons and those attending the show who just may happen to be in some video footage without their knowledge (ie people walkin in the background)
This also covers the event holders asses in case any of the footage is used for a future promo (whic is common)
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Old August 11th, 2004, 09:22 AM   #5
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Thanks for the great advice.

I'll wait to see what kind of footage i get and what opportunities present themselves on the day but my primary goal for this exercise is experience and the opportunity to film future events. Everything else is secondary.

a couple of other questions, should it happen to be raining and I donit have any proper rain cover for my camera what do you recommend to protect my xl1 from the rain?

Also would frame movie mode be recommended coupled with some attempt at converting to 24fps or would it look totally stupid? I've been wanting to use the frame movie mode for a while now and this presents an opportunity.

Kind regards

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Old August 13th, 2004, 11:50 AM   #6
Inner Circle
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well, id say film in interlaced then run it as progressive thru ur editing suite.. this way ur still captured images for ur cover art and website arent as blurry.

as for raincovers, i woudlnt know, butu can ask in teh XL1s forum :)
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 07:51 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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how did it go with the chicks?
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Old May 24th, 2005, 08:06 AM   #8
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the show was a real wash out, very dull...

The 'chicks' were pretty cool tho... got lots of footage of them
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Old May 27th, 2005, 12:46 AM   #9
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Check out
they have some good car show footage.
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