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Old August 5th, 2004, 09:16 AM   #1
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Video camera banned in church

We have been booked for a wedding in September but the vicar has decided no cameras are allowed in church. I am going to record the service on mini disk and then try and put something together with the shots before and after. Anyone else had this problem, and what did you use to "fill the gaps"?
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Old August 5th, 2004, 09:36 AM   #2
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Do the bride and groom know this? Can they help? What about their guests - what if they bring cameras in? Would he allow it if you sit in a pew? Is the rule also for still cameras?
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Old August 5th, 2004, 09:43 AM   #3
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Yes the bride & groom are aware. No cameras full stop in church!
I have thought about taking some stills (we are photographers also) and laying some of these to music and the audio track but it would need to be a hell of a lot of stills to cover the service, the only other option would be to just put the vows on. Not ideal.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 09:45 AM   #4
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I don't get this! Why?! What's their explanation?! If I were the one in front of the camcorder (G/B) I'd change the church! I want to have that memory!

Here it's all very different: I had them say to the B/G: "stop! wait for the BBC guy to get his spot!" I can go about everywere I get in a church. Even in the room at the back of the altar (women are forbiden, though...) if I kindly ask! They make room for the camera guy and make sure he's getting the best chance to tape nice memories for the B/G.
Cosmin Rotaru
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Old August 5th, 2004, 10:09 AM   #5
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I have already had the discussion with the B & G about changing venues. The church apparently had some bad dealings a couple of years ago with some dodgy video company and since that time has ruled no more. Talking nicely does not work with this church. Luckily it is a one off and the majority are more than accomodating. The las two weekends the churches would have let me say the vows if i'd had wanted they were that good. As in most things, one bad company/outfit can spoil it for every one else.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 10:27 AM   #6
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is the church and B&G amenable to some staged still shots after the ceremony? You could actually make a much nicer video of the ceremony using staged shots panned and scanned in the video, with the actual sound track.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 10:38 AM   #7
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I'm sure the B & G would be, but still the church may be a problem but we can run it past them. We are not the official photographers on this one so would also have to get their cooperation, but it's a thought. I'll put it to the B & G. Thanks
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Old August 5th, 2004, 10:44 AM   #8
Capt. Quirk
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How about using a courtroom sketch artist? Having a videographer when the church won't allow it, is kind of pointless... The whole point, is to be able to watch the wedding vows, not the reception.

These two need to go elsewhere to marry.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 11:09 AM   #9
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I appreciate what you are saying about the wedding vows not being recorded but we do a good job (even though I say so myself) of producing a full record of the whole occasion, starting with photos of growing up, interviews prior to the event with B & G, a "walk in the park" (like a mini love story), getting ready etc, the arrivals at church, main service! (usually), the photo sessions, reception and party, and interviews with guests, finished off with highlights of the day. A lot of the weddings we sell are because of the work we put in both before and after the main event to make the video different from the run of the mill. In the UK not many companies include everything we do so we do get a lot of work because the couple want a bit more than just "the vows".
Please don't think i'm trying to sound off, but we have seen competitors work and some of it is poor to say the least. I like to think that even if we can't include the main part of the service on this particular wedding, we can still produce an excellent finished product. The b& G won't change venues because of reasons I won't go into in this forum, so changing the church is not an option, unfortunately.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 11:46 AM   #10
Capt. Quirk
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I appologise for being harsh. I just can't believe how the Vicar is taking the most important moment away from you, and the bride. If you had a full crew with lights and gear, I could understand it. But I have watched a few good wedding people at work. Most of the time, they blend in with the guests.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 12:00 PM   #11
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this is becoming increasing more common and not because of prior issues with contractors. Many churches feels the sanctity of the service is being violated by the commercialization of the event.
Jeff Donald
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Old August 5th, 2004, 12:12 PM   #12
Capt. Quirk
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I don't personally do weddings. But I have seen what you guys do, and have a great respect and admiration for the final presentation.

If this is a growing trend among churches, it is going to cause a radical change in the way traditional wedding videos are done. Either that, or cause couples to wed outdoors more often.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 12:56 PM   #13
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Actually I am finding the trend the other way (apart from this one event). I have found more and more churches giving a free reign over where we position ourselves, moving around etc. Most vicars want the best for the couple and have given in to the requirements of the film crews. Maybe because in the Uk you can now marry in most places as long as a licence to conduct a service is obtained. The churches are realising that people want memories of the day preserved and if they don't oblige then people will go elsewhere (in the majority of cases). I had one last week where the vicar invited me to walk down the aisle in front of the bride so I could get the best shot possible of her, although i resisted because she is the centre of the show, not the cameraman. Overall in the UK we've got it more or less sorted. It's just what do you do when you get the one where you can't record in church?
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Old August 5th, 2004, 04:08 PM   #14
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We've come across this strange attitude by several vicars over the last few years. It doesn't do much for the good of the church, especially with new laws about to come into force soon.
Unfortunately there's very little you can do about except turn down the booking if you feel you can't do a proper job. (We've done this twice this year).
Another option is to complain strongly in writing to the local arch deacon he can sometimes get the vicars decission overturned.
David Phillips
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Old August 6th, 2004, 05:09 PM   #15
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I hesitate to be crass about this, but, have you tried making a donation to the vicar's favorite charity?

It worked for me on one occasion.
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