We've done lots of butterfly releases here in Hawaii. The problem is that they are stored with their wings flat, in a chilled box. When it's time to release them, the b & g opens the box and expects them to fly away immediately. However, they take more than a few seconds to get acclimated to the temperature and usually just sit there. The key to success with butterflies is to warm them up to the correct temperature right before the release.
I had a couple of cool shots of the butterflies flying around and landing on the flower arrangements at the alter. I had another shot of the butterfly sitting on the minister's lapel, and the groom grabbed it and tossed it in the air as all three of them (b&g and minister) broke out in bright smiles as it flew away. Another cool shot was the butterfly landing on the ring bearer's hand. He slowly raised his hand, and I got a closeup of the butterfly with his face blurred in the background. I got the flower girl to put her face next to the rb, and as she touched the butterfly, I rack focused to their giggling faces.
Yes, butterflies are very cool but they are also very unpredictable. You just have to keep rolling and wait for the unexpected.