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Old March 30th, 2009, 03:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
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New Company Branding

Well I finally got around to developing new branding for my video company.

The main goal of this excessive was to develop a new logo, color palate, and website that would appeal to both event video and cooperate clients. I wanted to develop the HTML version of the website first, and then will be seeking outside help to develop the FLASH version of the same website.

I wanted to get a clean, professional look with a vibrant appeal.

The video gallery is still a work in progress, as it's going to get a redesign to both the player and the background itself. And I have to tighten up the meta information as well.

LVProductions | Maryland and D.C. Wedding Video

I am also attaching my new business cards as well.

What does everyone think? Feedback of course is welcome.
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New Company Branding-lvp-cardsnew-1.jpg   New Company Branding-lvp-cardsnew-2.jpg  

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Old March 30th, 2009, 04:30 PM   #2
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I dig it. I love the clean look and the bold colors. However, I am a male. Please take my opinion with a grain of salt. You really need to run it past some females since you're going to have mostly brides checking you out .. I know ... that didn't sound right.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 05:50 PM   #3
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Well so far I have shown it to over 20 women in my workplace and they all seemed to love the vibrant bold colors, and of course loved the wedding images. One woman who also is a web designer mentioned that her only complaint was tat my original background color was soft grey which she felt was cold. So I changed it to a warmer tan and she loved the look of the site as it stands now.

A few my past brides who I keep in touch with on Facebok posted that they saw the new site and loved the look too. So I think I'm on to the right track.

We'll wait and see.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 10:00 PM   #4
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A Woman's perspective...

LOL... I like the colors. They are sharp... very nice for weddings, but not over the top for your corporate clients.

I had one comment about the front page (that's all I looked at tonight)... your slogan at the top says "Every picture tells a story..." but in your first opening paragraph you have a title that says "...but a video tells your story". This is very nit-picky (is that a word?) but I think your contradict yourself here. I love the logo and slogan at the top... go with that.

Nice site from what I can tell though... good job!

EDIT: Your menu buttons also jump around when I roll over them and then freeze in the new position and don't bounce back to the original position. Maybe how you planned it... but it only happens with menus with dropdowns (i.e. "galleries" didn't do it)?

Last edited by Dawn Brennan; March 30th, 2009 at 10:02 PM. Reason: Adding
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Old March 31st, 2009, 08:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Dawn Brennan View Post
LOL... I like the colors. They are sharp... very nice for weddings, but not over the top for your corporate clients.

I had one comment about the front page (that's all I looked at tonight)... your slogan at the top says "Every picture tells a story..." but in your first opening paragraph you have a title that says "...but a video tells your story". This is very nit-picky (is that a word?) but I think your contradict yourself here. I love the logo and slogan at the top... go with that.

Nice site from what I can tell though... good job!

EDIT: Your menu buttons also jump around when I roll over them and then freeze in the new position and don't bounce back to the original position. Maybe how you planned it... but it only happens with menus with drop downs (i.e. "galleries" didn't do it)?
Dawn thanks for looking and the feedback.
I am curious, what browser and version you are viewing the site on. I tested it in the latest versions of Firefox, Explorer, Safari, Opera, and Netscape, all with no problems.
However a coworker who tried viewing the site on the older Explorer 6 browser experienced a problem with the Nav Menu as well as the transparency on the .PNG files like in my masthead and pictures in the copy.

The JAVA based Nav buttons should drop down and be slightly larger in length than the main button. But they shouldn't be jumping around. I'll have to look into this further.

Thanks for the heads up though.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 02:14 PM   #6
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That's a nice clean site. Only really looked at the first page closely.

On the Home page, the light blue banner with the light colored words is an eyestrain and distraction to my older eyes. The first sentence is not complete in the side text.

Otherwise the text has good contrast and is a good size. Rather than ornamentation, I mostly look for legibility. A surprising amount of sites are plain hard to read.

The site was a tiny bit slow at 4:10 pm EST for me, could be my network though.
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New Company Branding-site-comments.jpg  
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Old March 31st, 2009, 02:47 PM   #7
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I am using Explorer 7.(something)... and the button thing is still jumping. Its not moving far, just dropping down a few pixles and stayes there. Here is a screenshot after I have scrolled over the menu. It only looks like this when the screen is maximized... not when it first opens. Odd.

I see you changed your wording too... good job! I really liked that slogan.
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New Company Branding-lvpro.jpg  
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Old March 31st, 2009, 04:06 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jeff Kellam View Post

That's a nice clean site. Only really looked at the first page closely.

On the Home page, the light blue banner with the light colored words is an eyestrain and distraction to my older eyes. The first sentence is not complete in the side text.

Otherwise the text has good contrast and is a good size. Rather than ornamentation, I mostly look for legibility. A surprising amount of sites are plain hard to read.

The site was a tiny bit slow at 4:10 pm EST for me, could be my network though.
Jeff that light blue should not be in the banner.
It seems to be transparency problem with earlier versions of Explorer and .png files, which this is.

The PNG logo is overlaid on a background cell image of the banner.

I have since replaced the overlay and placed the logo inside the banner background. So that should fix that problem.

If you get a chance preview the page again and see if the problem was fixed.

BTW, would you happen to have been using IE6?
I ask because I was aware of a problem with IE6 and overlays. So I have to go through my site and change the background for my png files to whatever the image is placed in. Actually I just changed the backgrounds from transparent .png to .png with a white background, so this should fix the light blue box over the .png images in IE6.

Last edited by Michael Liebergot; March 31st, 2009 at 04:41 PM.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 04:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Dawn Brennan View Post
I am using Explorer 7.(something)... and the button thing is still jumping. Its not moving far, just dropping down a few pixles and stayes there. Here is a screenshot after I have scrolled over the menu. It only looks like this when the screen is maximized... not when it first opens. Odd.

I see you changed your wording too... good job! I really liked that slogan.
Hmm, curious.

I swear, I have had more issues with java based drop down menus and browser compatibility over the last couple of years. Going back to my old site.

Overall, is it frustrating to navigate with the menu acting this way or more of a an annoyance?

Either way I gotta see if I can develop a nav menu that is cross compatible with all browsers. If there is such a thing...
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Old March 31st, 2009, 10:34 PM   #10
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LOL... I am laughing in the lightest of ways. It was neither frustrating or annoying to me. I just pointed it out because I figure it wasn't "supposed" to be that way. Most people may not notice it. I do because my background comes from IT. I haven't looked at the code, but who knows, it may just be some freaky occurance.

I hope you either figure it out or FORGET I mentioned it! :) I hate when things like the keep creaping up!
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Old April 1st, 2009, 07:47 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dawn Brennan View Post
LOL... I am laughing in the lightest of ways. It was neither frustrating or annoying to me. I just pointed it out because I figure it wasn't "supposed" to be that way. Most people may not notice it. I do because my background comes from IT. I haven't looked at the code, but who knows, it may just be some freaky occurance.

I hope you either figure it out or FORGET I mentioned it! :) I hate when things like the keep creaping up!
Hehe, cool no problem.
I am not too worried about the NAV menu and will most likely keep it as is.
I am glad that I was able to correct the light blue transparency problem that a few people seemed to have on their computers. =)
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Old April 2nd, 2009, 12:18 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Michael Liebergot View Post
Hmm, curious.

I swear, I have had more issues with java based drop down menus and browser compatibility over the last couple of years. Going back to my old site.

Overall, is it frustrating to navigate with the menu acting this way or more of a an annoyance?

Either way I gotta see if I can develop a nav menu that is cross compatible with all browsers. If there is such a thing...
check out the YUI (Yahoo UI) script package. I used it when I was a web dev for a top design company. It has a very through "reset.css" script that completely resets all browsers and all versions of each browser to the same behavior which virtually eliminates the "it looks odd in IE6 but not 7" problems.

I think the YUI set also has some motion menus that you can simple import and use. Everything in YUI is javascript/CSS based.
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