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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old March 9th, 2009, 04:00 AM   #16
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 5
Thank you everyone for the comments and please keep them coming. I ordered the Z5U yesterday, so I am hoping it is here by Wednesday. I am still debating on weather to order another Z5U or the FX1000 as a second camera. I also need a third as a back up camera, and was thinking maybe a FX7 or even just the HDR-HC9(for now). I guess everything depends how many more jobs I can book from now till the end of May when I have a three camera shoot booked.

Once again thanks to all that responded and helped steer me in the right direction. I will post my thoughts on the Z5U when it gets in.
Adam Palinkas is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 9th, 2009, 08:58 AM   #17
Major Player
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dude, send it back. you made a HUGE mistake being a Sony fanboy. I have an EX1,
and I HATE the rolling shutter. Your Z5 doesn't even come with Sony's CF recorder,
which makes the HMC150 that much better of a buy for $3200. the only thing keeping
my EX1 in my bag is i don't want to take a huge loss on it, or it be gone for a 2nd
panasonic. Seriously, the 150 is an outstanding camera for the price, you won't be sorry,
and this is coming from a Sony fanboy himself, but for event work, CMOS sucks.
Scott Hayes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 9th, 2009, 07:57 PM   #18
New Boot
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Location: Buford, Georgia
Posts: 23
"Why are you selling it and what are you using it for?"

I shoot weddings. The main reasons I'm selling it:

1) It would be easier in the field to shoot with 2 same model cameras as opposed to 2 cams with totally different controls/menus.

2) I want to be totally tapeless. Mount a light on the cam's shoe and there's nowhere to mount the CF recorder, plus the thought of running a firewire cable from the CF recorder to the rear of the camera is scary. With the connector sticking out the back of the camera, all it takes is a slight bump to break the firewire port.

3) Rolling shutter/CMOS. My typical 1st dance sequence is 80% slomo. This sequence often contains a bazillion camera flashes. I don't like slomo footage with white bands in it. Unlike a full frame flash, it looks like a camera defect (it is!). I refuse to change the style of my finished product to accomodate this camera's flaw.

4) Aweful balance, far too front heavy and just plain heavy.

5) No XLR inputs (this isn't a huge factor).

6) HMC150 is a far better camera for the same price.

To answer the other poster's question... I want $2900 firm for the FX1000 including a 970 battery. If I can't get $2900 for it, I'll keep it and use it exclusively as my rear, unmanned, wide shot camera.
Norman Gaddis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 10th, 2009, 03:29 AM   #19
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We're wedding professionals so here's our 2p - we use three Z1s working exclusively in HDV. Flash in low light can cause pixelation in the editing image (Liquid 7.2) but these frames are "returned" to flash when converted to DVD or Blu-Ray (TMPGEnc Express 4 and DVD-Lab/TMPGEnc Authoring 4). Just our experience, not a condemnation of anyone else's views.
Philip Howells is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 10th, 2009, 04:19 AM   #20
Inner Circle
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I'm with Scott and Norman on this one - 'CMOS sucks for wedding and event work', and I've posted my thoughts here a lot. Robert's right in that 'it happens so fast that you don't notice it' but it's slo-mo that CMOS+flash totally destroys.

However, now you're committed to the Z5 the FX1000 is a good second camera in my view. I always say you should have a back-up camera that you'd be perfectly happy to use if your main camera failed for whatever reason, and the FX would anser that call.

But the real reason I say go for that over buying another Z5 is (apart from the cost) the ability to run it in the LP mode. There have been countless times when my FX1 in LP has saved the day - when the bride's been very late, when my main cam has had to have tapes changed and so on.

If you're delivering on DVD rather than Blu-ray then it makes a lot of sense, and the Z1 and FX1 happly pay my wages.

Tom Hardwick is offline   Reply

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