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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old January 10th, 2009, 08:44 AM   #1
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Greg & Heather Wedding Highlight

Critique and let me know what you guys think. Thanks. Filmed this just before Christmas last minute and I also used my brand new best friend Mr litepanel pro. It really allowed me to get some shots that just would have been horrible with no light. Still planning on investing in a light kit as well as some other enhancements. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!!!!!

Greg & Heather Highlight on Vimeo

Last edited by Shaun Conner; January 10th, 2009 at 03:31 PM.
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Old January 10th, 2009, 09:57 AM   #2
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Sorry for the mix up earlier. The link is fixed.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 05:15 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Shaun Conner View Post
Critique and let me know what you guys think. Thanks. Filmed this just before Christmas last minute and I also used my brand new best friend Mr litepanel pro. It really allowed me to get some shots that just would have been horrible with no light. Still planning on investing in a light kit as well as some other enhancements. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!!!!!

Greg & Heather Highlight on Vimeo
The establishing shots of the church were nice, thoguh a bit long for my taste (though I must say, they matched the pace of the music, which is very important).

THe prep & makeup scene lacked any stand out colors, probably due to the horrible lighting on the backdrop, which caused the camera (or cam op) to stop down to avoid blowing out the scene.

0:30 had a bit of micro zooms in adn out. I'd probably either choose a different take that didn't have that, or use only part of the clip so there is only one type of zoom motion (in or out).

Good use of the J/L cut to intro the groom. And good job getting something in a pitch that black environment.

Great shot at 1:00 where the groom & bride are in the same scene. I so rarely get a "down the isle" shot to see her face.

The slo-mo down the stairs seed a bit long to me, for what that's worth.

That reception looked dark as heck! Must have been a pain to work with. The colors are a bit blue, possibly due to use of an LED light? Consider bumping the yellows to get more flesh tones. I'm guilty of this as well. I work hard to accurately represent the colors of the day.... then find myself at a loss for how to make it look better than it was. Thinking specifically of 2:42 when the light is the harshest on his face as he walks by. Very blue looking face.

Either it is the encoding, the vimeo playback, or the tape, but I saw a fair number of what looked like dirty head problems (2:56). If the latter, get a bunch of head cleaning tapes and run them through the camera before every gig. If the former, the ignore.

Overall impression is I'm sure the B&G will love it. Great recap of their day.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 05:35 PM   #4
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Pretty good stuff.

I won't repeat what Jason said, however, the shot where you had the bride coming down the aisle and the groom in the foreground .. wow, what an opportunity. Next time, get that wide shot like you had, but then jump in there and get a closeup that shows just the back of the groom's head and the bride and her father. THAT would have been an amazing shot!

Also, the kissing shot could have better composition. As it is, the top of the groom's head is being cut off but we're not really gaining anything useful at the bottom of the screen. Get a tighter or a wider shot.

I will echo Jason's comment on the tape drop outs or glitches. I'm pretty sure that's not a Vimeo issue. Might want to clean your heads or have the camera serviced.

Thanks for sharing!
Black Label Films
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Old January 12th, 2009, 06:04 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jason Robinson View Post
That reception looked dark as heck! Must have been a pain to work with. The colors are a bit blue, possibly due to use of an LED light? Consider bumping the yellows to get more flesh tones. I'm guilty of this as well. I work hard to accurately represent the colors of the day.... then find myself at a loss for how to make it look better than it was. Thinking specifically of 2:42 when the light is the harshest on his face as he walks by. Very blue looking face.
I should point out that WB cards are you best friend when using non-sun based lighting. I also had my LED light replacement (pops right in place of the Canon 10Li light bulb) built by an LED hobbiest friend of mine so that it made use of both true white LED which look very blue in post, and warming yellow LEDs to help balance out the overall lighting color. My first real use of that light is on my first highlight which looked like a very similar reception to yours; very little lighting and mostly pitch black.

Congrats on the Lite panel, because as we too often find out, with out some sort of on cam lighting or stand lighting off to the side, the receptions are often impossible to shoot much to our (and our customer's) dismay.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 06:49 PM   #6
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Yeah there were a couple of issues with the shots. The walk back up the aisle was very long. I felt should have added something else to space between that shot and the one coming down the stairs but could find nothing that fit. I also had crazy dropouts during the ceremony. This was my first time experiencing that so I will clean the heads like you suggested. The reception was very poor lit but I tried my best with the lite panel pro. I think I'm starting to get the hang of how to put things together and getting better shots. I still have some work to do on framing shots using the rules of thirds. I plan on getting a light kit to help combat dark scenes (thanks turbo Just trying to progress and get better. I will go back and do some color correction on the shots you guys mentioned. One shot that I missed that under normal circumstances I would have gotten and I'm kicking myself for is, when the bride is walking down the aisle you can see the groom wipe his face. He was crying and would have added more emotion to the piece. Hope I learn from this and keep trying to get better. Thank you for the comments.
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