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Old December 6th, 2008, 03:41 AM   #1
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New Save The Date video for review

Hi All,

We start our Pre-wedding video service in New Zealand at Oct and the response are really well since we would be the very 1st studio to promo this kind of service in NZ. Anyway, we have couple SDE project going on and here is one of them.

Since we are new to the SDE video, I would really like you guys input~~

Pam and Vincent 'Save the Date' Wedding Invitation on Vimeo
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ):
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Old December 6th, 2008, 08:42 AM   #2
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Wow! That blew me away! I really loved it, and I'm going to be saving that in my list of good example work to base my own work off of :)

I loved the creativity with the balloons, and I also liked the scene where the couple was sitting on one side of a river and watching another marriage ceremony.

Your shots and the color especially are absolutely gorgeous! I'm curious to know what camera you use and how you go about editing and color correcting.

Anyway, even with the best videos there's room for slight improvement:

1) I liked the idea of the sunset shot, with the couple walking down that long pathway that juts out into the water, but I think that the artifacts you get from shooting into the sun ruined the shot too much. I would suggest taking that clip out.

2) I'm sure you filmed the shot with the ducks while you were at some location with the bride and groom, so it would be relevant to them, but I didn't understand it. I would suggest taking that clip out too.

3) This wasn't an error, but I just wanted to make a note of it. Watching the video the first time, I didn't even notice the time lapse video of the "sunset." It was only watching it under a more keen eye that I even saw that small clip. I'm tempted to say it's like the ducks since it doesn't relate too much to the overall story you're trying to tell, but it's such a beautiful shot that I know I would have a hard time getting rid of it!

4) It looked like there were some fingerprints/spots on the lens in one of the dancing clips.

5) I like how the balloons rolled off of the "invitation"

6) The "Save the Date" text doesn't seem to really "belong" with the shot. It's a little too bold and jutting, whereas the rest of the shot and the music make that scene very serene. Also, I would split up the text somehow or make it smaller instead of having "13th December 08" going over the edges of the heart (or maybe just change it to 13 Dec. 08)

Again, I really enjoyed it, and I checked out your website and found many more videos that I like. Good luck with your new business in NZ!
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Old December 6th, 2008, 09:56 AM   #3
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Very nice work- loved the shot of the couple watching the B&G on the other side of the lake. One suggestion - end on the chorus of the song. You faded just as a new verse was starting which felt off-balance to me. Thanks for sharing!

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Old December 6th, 2008, 12:15 PM   #4
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Very nice! I've recently been seeing a lot of those thin line scrolls/swirls with the text at the beginning of your piece. How is this done?
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Old December 6th, 2008, 06:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Glenn Fisher View Post
Wow! That blew me away! I really loved it, and I'm going to be saving that in my list of good example work to base my own work off of :)

I loved the creativity with the balloons, and I also liked the scene where the couple was sitting on one side of a river and watching another marriage ceremony.

Your shots and the color especially are absolutely gorgeous! I'm curious to know what camera you use and how you go about editing and color correcting.

Anyway, even with the best videos there's room for slight improvement:

1) I liked the idea of the sunset shot, with the couple walking down that long pathway that juts out into the water, but I think that the artifacts you get from shooting into the sun ruined the shot too much. I would suggest taking that clip out.

2) I'm sure you filmed the shot with the ducks while you were at some location with the bride and groom, so it would be relevant to them, but I didn't understand it. I would suggest taking that clip out too.

3) This wasn't an error, but I just wanted to make a note of it. Watching the video the first time, I didn't even notice the time lapse video of the "sunset." It was only watching it under a more keen eye that I even saw that small clip. I'm tempted to say it's like the ducks since it doesn't relate too much to the overall story you're trying to tell, but it's such a beautiful shot that I know I would have a hard time getting rid of it!

4) It looked like there were some fingerprints/spots on the lens in one of the dancing clips.

5) I like how the balloons rolled off of the "invitation"

6) The "Save the Date" text doesn't seem to really "belong" with the shot. It's a little too bold and jutting, whereas the rest of the shot and the music make that scene very serene. Also, I would split up the text somehow or make it smaller instead of having "13th December 08" going over the edges of the heart (or maybe just change it to 13 Dec. 08)

Again, I really enjoyed it, and I checked out your website and found many more videos that I like. Good luck with your new business in NZ!
Thank you very much Glenn. Thank you for pointing out what's wrong in this video. I really appreciate you comment!

We use JVC ProHD + Letus+ Canon FD Lens and XH-A1 for steadicam. We do our color grading with MB Looks.

About the Sunset shot, I think its a wonderful shot as a individual shot but you are right, I should put some other shot in there.
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ):
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Old December 6th, 2008, 06:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Art Varga View Post
Very nice work- loved the shot of the couple watching the B&G on the other side of the lake. One suggestion - end on the chorus of the song. You faded just as a new verse was starting which felt off-balance to me. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for your comment and I will keep that in mind
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ):
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Old December 6th, 2008, 06:35 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Warren Kawamoto View Post
Very nice! I've recently been seeing a lot of those thin line scrolls/swirls with the text at the beginning of your piece. How is this done?
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S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ):
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Old December 7th, 2008, 11:13 AM   #8
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2) I'm sure you filmed the shot with the ducks while you were at some location with the bride and groom, so it would be relevant to them, but I didn't understand it. I would suggest taking that clip out too.


I liked the shot of the ducks. My wife is always making comments when she sees a male and female couple off on their own side of the lake.
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Old December 9th, 2008, 08:17 PM   #9
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Some ladies became soft when they saw image like this...
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ):
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