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Old October 30th, 2008, 02:00 PM   #31
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Adam... personally i like it and wouldn't change it. If a customer was upset about it I would no doubt make another copy without the logo just because i am to please. That being said, I
only land a few customers a year and I have the time to make such corrections.
Other then that I would keep using it. I'm sure they had plenty of opportunities from viewing your business cards, demos, ect to see what your logo looked like. If they didn't like it then, they should have told you.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 02:34 PM   #32
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I only put my logo printed on the DVD and very small on the cover somewhere. My philosophy is that the video is about the bride and groom and not a place for them and the whole family to see your self promotion. JMHO

The logo is not bad and I don't find it really all that suggestive, that being said, I wouldn't want it on my video either.

All this talk about a dog and your last name is Barker, I KID!!!! I KID!!!!
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Old October 30th, 2008, 03:21 PM   #33
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Adam....The logo's not bad, but would be annoying to see in the beginning of the video. Why are you trying to promote so much to the folks you've already sold? If there is anyone else watching, they'll see the logo at the end, or ask who the videographer was.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 03:40 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Suzanne Zorich View Post
If there is anyone else watching, they'll see the logo at the end, or ask who the videographer was.
I agree with this. I feel that if someone is engaged, they go to their recently married friends for suggestions. I doubt the married client will say, "Hang on, I don't remember, let me watch my wedding video again. Their name and logo are on there. I'll tell you tomorrow."

Most likely (my guess) they'd say "Playsock!" (Which is totally memorable since is a refreshing relief from names like "Boundless Love Productions" - just googled it, not real...anyone is welcomed to jump on that domain).

If they forget your name, they might just pull up your email or correspondence, or give them your card/name/info.

Your company's name is very strong and cute! I think a drawing of a Jack Russell and a sock would be much cuter and more endearing! But again, IANA market rep.

Last edited by Miraj A. Berry; October 30th, 2008 at 03:42 PM. Reason: cuzz eye cant spel
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Old October 30th, 2008, 04:02 PM   #35
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Last edited by Clarence S. Walker; October 31st, 2008 at 12:12 PM.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 04:07 PM   #36
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A single complaint like you've had is a warning - marketing people reckon that for every person who complains, there are probably at least 10 who didn't like it , but for whatever reason didn't complain. It's your logo, so if you are happy that's fine. Stick it on the start and forget we mentioned it. Trouble is, the customer must always 'think' they are right, even if you think they're wrong. If they don't like what they see, they're not going to recommend you - simple as that. I've done things where I've been asked to remove all branding and credits, and if the client has needs like this, I go with it.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 04:42 PM   #37
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Adam, I love insane small dogs (most think I'm an insane big dog, and I'll play with a sock right with them...), it's just that "doggy" is in a rather odd overall position as others have noted... and anatomically speaking, something else is suggested. Take the Jessica Rabbit quote to heart... it was meant sincerely and thoughtfully...

The danger you run is that even if your logo was totally innocent, and I'm going with you think it is, so that's cool... you've just had a string of people go "WHOA"... and a client with some issues who may have been too genteel to tell you what she thought she saw. Actually the animation was less noticeable.

I wouldn't stress the change now, but maybe when it's time to do new cards or whatever, might want another angle - think warm fuzzy puppy face with a sock in his mouth. You've already got one opinion from someone who fits the client profile that that image would be a big plus...

Heck, what about getting a short clip of your Jack doing what they do so well and use that rather than the logo! Who could resist that!?

Really hope you didn't take any offense, I don't think anyone was curb diving here, but when a bunch of people see the same thing... it could be a sign.

I seem to remember that GM had troubles selling the Nova in latin countries until someone mentioned that it could be translated "NO GO" in Spanish... If you have an image issue, wiser to consider changing it for the better when it comes to your attention.

As far as having a logo/badging in general, every DVD you buy has tons of them, what's the objection?
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Old October 30th, 2008, 09:14 PM   #38
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I just looked at the logo.

I see the words "PLAYS COCK" and a dog in a sexually submissive pose.

Looks like the start of a german porno if you ask me.

Doesn't make me think of a wedding video production at all.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 09:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by John Knight View Post
I just looked at the logo.

I see the words "PLAYS COCK" and a dog in a sexually submissive pose.

Looks like the start of a german porno if you ask me.

Doesn't make me think of a wedding video production at all.
Well, there must be something wrong with your computer, then. Because on mine, it clearly reads "Playsock" and not "Plays Cock".

Maybe you were just kidding when you wrote that, John... but if you were, then I'm sorry but I didn't find it very amusing.
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Old October 30th, 2008, 09:58 PM   #40
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I know that, but it LOOKED like "PLAYS COCK" at a glance initially. Only after I watched it a couple of times did I work it out.
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Old October 31st, 2008, 05:59 AM   #41
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Adam, whatever logo or company name you use, if it works for you don't change it. About your initial question, I only print my logo on the dvd and on the dvbox cover. The only time I use it at the end of my films is when I'm doing events but for weddings I don't see any benefit from it. The only reason I could think that might be a problem is when your client starts copying your dvd but whenever someone of their friends gets married later and want to know who did the wedding they will just ask.
For events that another story because if those dvd's are not copied by me I want to be sure that they can always find back who the original maker was.
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Old October 31st, 2008, 07:55 AM   #42
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I think a logo is like a vanity plate on your car. If you have to explain it, it doesnt work.

After you explained it I could totally see where you came from, I had the image of a happy, playful dog in my head. But without your explanation my head saw something else.

Could just be Im not a dog fan, more of a rabbit person.
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Old October 31st, 2008, 10:01 AM   #43
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I personally don't ever put logos on the actual video itself, only on the dvd covers. I have had one complaint where the customer didn't like the logo on them and I immediately mailed them out new copies without the logos. Honestly it doesn't cost me all that much and I made the customer happy by making the change. BUT...if I start getting complaints about the logo design itself I would probably start thinking about redesigning it. Oh yeah and I have received about three referral weddings from the customer that complained. If you take care of your customers they will take care of you. 2 cents
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:54 AM   #44
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I also think brides should conjure up images of roses, rings, doves and angels.

I would advise anyone to steer clear of yaks, dogs, dingos, horses or pigs.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 03:11 AM   #45
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A few thoughts ..

First, I don't personally see anything wrong with the logo. I'm not exactly sure what other people are seeing in it. I'm not typically the naive type, so I wouldn't worry too much about the logo itself (although something more bride-friendly wouldn't be a bad thing).

Second, I don't see anything wrong with putting your logo at the beginning or end of the video. Personally I only put it at the end, but I do have my business name in plain text at the beginning. If the couple has seen your work and seen the logo at the beginning and end of your videos, then they should know what to expect, right?

Third, I think it's actually a good idea to include your logo on the cover and at least at the end of the video. What if they try to give you a referral 5 or 6 years later, and can't remember you business name? Let's say the DVD case got stepped on and broken, so they only have the disc now. Or let's say they make some "illegal" copies of the DVD to give to family members. You might as well at least get your name to those people too.

Just my thoughts.
Black Label Films
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