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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old September 23rd, 2008, 05:15 PM   #16
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That was some beautiful imagery, although I have to say that a lot of that "look" can be attributed to the lighting that was used. The scenes are obviously professionally-lit, so I would love to see footage from this camera in action "on the fly" at a wedding without all of the nice lighting. I tend to believe that if this director was given a Canon A1 the footage would have looked just as amazing.

Still, having this level of video capability built into a still camera is an interesting move.

Most inspiring is that the video was shot with a 35mm sensor and recorded to a solid state media. I hope this means Canon is developing a videocamera with this tech.
Black Label Films
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 05:27 PM   #17
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And the end result was cheap. You can pick it up for $2300 :)
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 09:34 PM   #18
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This is the "behind the scenes" of Reverie shot with the Canon XH A1 camcorder, the quality of the A1 does not even come close (in low light) to this new dslr, amazing really.
Behind The Scenes Video Vincent Laforet’s Blog

Also check out Vincent's write up on his blog, he mentions only using one strobe light and a small Led light! link below (the stills on this blog post are actual video grabs from the film)

Something Very Interesting is coming…both to this blog and to our industry Vincent Laforet’s Blog
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 09:44 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Louis Maddalena View Post
And the end result was cheap. You can pick it up for $2300 :)
That's the body only. You guys need to see all the lenses used to produce that clip. (listed at the bottom).

And I can't believe some of the naysayers here are slamming the footage. I've never seen DOF like that from a DSLR. This is a major breakthrough and is most likely the reason RED scraped the Scarlet and is starting over from scratch.

Will it replace us? I seriously doubt it. At least not until they put a swiveling pop-out LCD on that thing. :) But not to worry... the "imaging industry" is going to be shook up over the next 2 years. Video cameras will soon have DSLR's inside them as well.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 09:54 PM   #20
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That blog post is interesting, particularly the information about low-light....

Hmm... Sounds like all Canon needs to really do is put this camera in the frame of a video camera, add some inputs/outputs (XLR's, firewire, etc, etc) and we're set... Would be nice to have a video camera that could "optionally" take stunning 21Mp stills!

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Old September 23rd, 2008, 10:00 PM   #21
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The list of lenses are worth just over $26,000, with the 200, 400 and 500mm lenses taking up $16,600 of it! Also Panasonic have a new video camera which is a micro four thirds dslr with flip out lcd. Panasonic shows HD Micro Four Thirds prototype: Digital Photography Review

Dvinfo thread here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/digital-v...deography.html
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 10:34 PM   #22
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Awesome footage, one thing I wonder is though rolling shutter, I saw some on the car shot and I think these were all controlled situations and mostly locked of on cam.

Use the right tool for the right job. The way things look with this technology I am sure Canon will be coming out with a much better Video Cam in the next few years.

Scarlet is only being redesigned not starting from scratch again and as stated on scarletuser.com delivery times won't be effected and price still will be similar, their sensors are awesome so I don't think they would change anything on the sensor part.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 10:46 PM   #23
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I am going to be honest I don't know what rolling shutter is or what it looks like. Can you explain to me what you are seeing that is rolling shutter.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 11:20 PM   #24
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rolling shutter is explained here CMOS Rolling Shutter once your read this all I can add is that at this stage even high end CMOS video cameras can still exhibit this issue as there hasn't been a full proof solution done for this but getting there slowly, so I doubt Canon would have spent heaps of money to develop a still camera to get rid of these issue when its designed for stills.

Hence I say that having "controlled" situations you can reduce the risk of the likes of rolling shutter but for wedding videography there are a lot of different situation you will encounter that you can't avoid like FLASH which looks horrible on CMOS cams (I have seen this plenty on my hv30 and hv20) and I think with the 5D, it would need a real world testing like that and as others have pointed out, lens size and weight would just not be practical, other then for short films and any other situation where every shot can be controlled and have a few takes and sits on tripod/dollys etc..
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 11:55 PM   #25
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This sure makes the whole scene interesting. Now all those Photographers who were sitting on the side due mainly handling two separate equipment Camera & Camcorder separately will be crossing the fence. Of course they will have to change their ways of jumping around all over the place, and stick to one spot for their pictures because of video.

Or is it going to be other way round, using this camera you will get superb video and still pictures. Thus you will be able to offer both.

Btw, which one to get, since I don't have XH-A1 and have been contemplating of getting one for long time. Will this EOS 5D Mark II, fit the bill? Since I do all my capture from Tripod, this camera should fit the bill.

This is pure mind boggling, with all those fantastic lenses you don't need to invest in Video and Still lenses anymore. DOF was simply outstanding. Even though Vincent's Lens array were expensive, you also less expensive options which give you similar results.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 01:07 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Chris P. Jones View Post
here's what's going to happen.

1. there will a run on these cameras. most videographers won't feel threatened for what the camera isn't - but photographers will see the camera for what it is!

2. photographers will start shooting a lot of video, (over)using it because they have it. many videographers are guilty of the same when they make a new purchase (glidecam - using it on every shot).

3. photographers will post a lot of what they're doing on cutframetv and [b] school, mostly promotional stuff. they'll also be discovering that editing takes effort, and editing something that makes sense takes more effort on the shooting end. those that don't study videography 101 or outsource their editing will more than likely not develop a sellable product. so right off the bat, for many, it becomes a fun family camera.

4. many will attempt to create a sellable product, but most are swamped in backlog and don't have time for the R&D to develop the product, and others will realize that selling the product might be more difficult than they imagined - it's new, and not all brides like new.

5. a select few will create a sellable product that fits in the flow of their business. they will succeed magnificently, then they will teach others to do the same.

6. once others see a solid way to develop a product start to finish, this product will have mass appeal.

7. with 73% of brides not choosing to have a motion picture of any kind at this point, at least 25% of the untapped should go for this product. there will always be varying percentages that wants a super8 film, a nice documentary edit with sharp ambient sound, or nothing at all.

Something I stand by: Most high end clients want excellence in all disciplines they hire. I believe that two separate people, photographer and filmmaker, will always be able to make better products separately then trying to make two at once.
Some really insightful points here Chris.

- Not to mention the computer horsepower required to edit HD might deter some photographers

- There's a tendancy to see this type of thing as a threat to us as videographers but I think that anything that shakes the industry up, plus educates brides as to the value of a wedding video - it can't be all bad
www.shadowplay.com.au --- www.shadowplay.com.au/blog
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Old September 24th, 2008, 06:00 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Peter Szilveszter View Post
Scarlet is only being redesigned not starting from scratch again and as stated on scarletuser.com delivery times won't be effected and price still will be similar,
Sounds like "from scratch" to me - especially since it never existed to begin with other than as a mysterious looking device behind sealed glass.

And what does, "similar" pricing mean? $4k, $5k? Real stupid to put the price of the camera in the name before it's even made IMO.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 12:38 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Ramesh Singh View Post
This sure makes the whole scene interesting. Now all those Photographers who were sitting on the side due mainly handling two separate equipment Camera & Camcorder separately will be crossing the fence. Of course they will have to change their ways of jumping around all over the place, and stick to one spot for their pictures because of video.

Or is it going to be other way round, using this camera you will get superb video and still pictures. Thus you will be able to offer both.
I really don't see that happening. Taking stills and shooting video are still two different disciplines. What works for stills doesn't always work for video and the other way around.

Say I have a video camera that I can grab stills or equal quality to the best still camera. Will some of my stills look great? Sure, probably. But will I end up with as many good stills as a still photographer that exclusively shooting 2000 stills at wedding, or course not.

This is just a tool. A very cool one. But, you are what you shoot. The talent comes from the eye behind the tool.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 01:14 PM   #29
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The boundaries between photography and video have suddenly become very fluid, and the pace has just gone to a walk to a gallop.

Having just bought a Letus and associated lenses I was like.....dang! I can't imagine that this development is going to make any of the dof adapter makers day.

And, as for the future for us guys holds when you they get the same low light performance into our video gear....exctiting times!

This is going to be REALLY exciting to watch how this develops and rolls out.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 01:44 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Ramesh Singh View Post
Btw, which one to get, since I don't have XH-A1 and have been contemplating of getting one for long time. Will this EOS 5D Mark II, fit the bill? Since I do all my capture from Tripod, this camera should fit the bill.
Try not to lose sight of the fact that this was a pre-planned shoot with professional lighting and professional actors/models, and that the whole thing was shot by a team of highly-experienced professionals. Canon could have easily given these guys an HV30 and they could have created a video that we would all be blown away by as well.
Black Label Films
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