Going to the show, like to have some opinion at DVinfo.net
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old July 21st, 2008, 08:36 PM   #1
Major Player
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Location: New Zealand
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Going to the show, like to have some opinion

Hi all,

2nd year into the wedding video business and we are going to our 1st wedding show at September.

At the stall, the focus point would be the LCD monitors. The LCD monitors will be on a loop of 10 short wedding highlights, about 2mins each.

There will be poster and flyer regarding our service and price.

Also there will be a price draw to attract bride to stop and fill the form and check out our video. The tag line is "Win a FREE iPod or Digital Photo Frame with YOUR WEDDING VIDEO ON IT!"

Beside the LCD Monitor, there will be a iMac to show some secondary video and put on mute. The secondary video will be collection of clips, the topics are:

1. Before and After - I will show some raw footage then apply some basic effect like basic color correction, smooth cam, curve etc... To show how we improve the video image.

2. Different style - I will show one short clip then apply different color grading and visual effect. To show we will apply different effect to match your style.

3. DVD Cover and DVD Menu slide show.

4. SDE promo video - Since SDE is quite new in my area, I am planning to put on a short video to explain what is SDE.

What do you think of those topic? The reason I choice those topic is because those are the area we did......I can't say better but differently with other videographer in my area and I hope the customer can notice that.

Since it will be our 1st show, I would really appreciate any opinion and ideas from you guys~


SC Leung
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ): www.sode.co.nz
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Old July 21st, 2008, 09:21 PM   #2
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I hope others will chime in here with what's worked for them in the past but I would not do the before & after stuff. better to let the bride think that your footage looks as good as it does from the moment you shoot it.seeing before and after stuff seems like you have to FIX something you shot...and that's never good to hear.

David Schuurman is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 21st, 2008, 11:53 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by David Schuurman View Post
I hope others will chime in here with what's worked for them in the past but I would not do the before & after stuff. better to let the bride think that your footage looks as good as it does from the moment you shoot it.seeing before and after stuff seems like you have to FIX something you shot...and that's never good to hear.

If you are wanting the show the value add of a professional editor, then may be take a clip that has been fully CC and then show a few different color grades or "looks." May be the same clip cut to a more "romantic" feel, then cut to an "upbeat feel" then cut to something else, etc. But I agree that completely raw footage should not be used for promotional purposes.
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Old July 22nd, 2008, 02:24 AM   #4
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 231
Thank you David and Jason.

I did edited 2 "before and after" clips and show it to my friends. They can't really tell the difference with basic color correction and they don't bother if there is a difference. They are more interested in how I apply different filter and color grade to generate different looks. I think I'm gonna take out the "before and after" section.

Thank you!!

SC Leung
S.O.D.E Wedding Video(NZ): www.sode.co.nz
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