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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old June 12th, 2008, 04:28 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Newark, Delaware
Posts: 1,067
Animation packs

This is kind of question and kind of a rant. Ive been doing weddings for about 22 yearsand when I started you could buy opens and animations (rabyte and Bob Lebar God rest his soul). Long story short I have Digital Juice ETK for weddings and I saw just relased a set for weddings so I got excited because they seem like a pretty hi-end kind place. After checking there stuff out its the same ole stuff shots of rings, flowers and alot of lower thirds. Do you guys use lower thirds? Do these companys even know what we do now?! Id like to see some hi-end tastefull titles and effects and they give us Rabyte (no offense to rabyte but its old). What do you guys use?

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Old June 12th, 2008, 06:58 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Belgium
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I use after effects to build my own animations, not for weddings but mainly for events when I need to animate a logo or when I need to add the name of a speaker. At for instance they have very nice looking templates for after effects.

I had a quick look at the templates you mentioned and indeed they look quite old school to me, It remembers me a bit when my father started to working years ago with his avio cassablanca from macrosystem, in those days these systems were considered state of the art and costed an arm and a leg, back then it had a 233mhz(!) processor. He had to buy separate special effects packs which also looked the same as what Livetypecentral is selling today.
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Old June 12th, 2008, 07:32 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Newark, Delaware
Posts: 1,067
yeah with the way Wedding videography is going I would think we'd see more "film like" packages with more tastefull fonts. and again is it me? Who uses lower thirds for weddings?
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Old June 12th, 2008, 12:17 PM   #4
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 2,933
I used some Digital Juice stuff on my first weddding years ago, and then stopped. To me it just feels cheezy. Now I just shoot my own creative stuff and build an opening from there. It's not quite as polished and clean and slick as an animated background, but it's also not cheezy (IMO) and the footage directly relates to the wedding (versus some shot of generic rings, for example).
Black Label Films
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