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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old June 24th, 2003, 04:48 PM   #31
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Sounds pretty imaginative Mike! Wish I could see samples- do you have a site?
Also, regarding animating photos you should check out Vegas's pan/crop tool- it's eons better than Premiere's Motion tool and probably easier to use than AE. Thats the single most favorite feature of the NLE so far!!!! I was going to buy Canopus's program that specialized in animating photos but there's no need for it now!
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Old June 24th, 2003, 06:37 PM   #32
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Basically, if it isn't real real time and really reliable I don't even take a second look at the product. Right now I do believe there still isn't anything on the market for DV that is as capable and reliable as the Canopus products. I've had 4 good years with what I have while the rest of the world has gone through many many iterations and still aren't any better than Canopus, if that.

Mind you, this is for my style of editing and for my customers.

I like the reliabilty and real real-time of DVRexRT. Going back to a rendering system would seem like chosing a horse to ride on the freeway.

Pan and crop aren't enough for me. I want tilt, wheeze and whallop all in one package. The Canopus picture tool is useless to me until it can do multiple pictures from within RexEdit or Edius.

I generally avoid putting samples up on my web site. If I have a potential client that wants a demo reel, I normally cook one up specifically for them out of chunks of past work.

When I do the camera seminar, I'll show some work.
Mike Rehmus
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Old June 24th, 2003, 08:16 PM   #33
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Glen I don’t show them anything until I am thru with the edit.

I let them have some say in the final product it makes them feel like they are part of the creative process.

In my contract I specify that they can come in for one, one hour session before I finalize, but any additional sessions are sixty dollars an hour and quite frankly I will take sixty dollars an hour for as many hours as they want.

So far any changes have been small. Most people say they love what I have done, it looks like something that should be on TV and they can hardly wait to get home so they can show their friends.

Thanks for the link I wish I had a fast connection so I could watch some of these videos without having to wait an hour to download them. (Not available in my area yet)
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Old June 24th, 2003, 09:11 PM   #34
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Maybe when I get a breather after next month, I can prepare some small samples for people to look at.
Mike Rehmus
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Old June 24th, 2003, 09:22 PM   #35
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<<<-- Originally posted by Mike Rehmus :
Pan and crop aren't enough for me. I want tilt, wheeze and whallop all in one package. The Canopus picture tool is useless to me until it can do multiple pictures from within RexEdit or Edius.


The Pan and Crop CAN do it all! It can rotate, zoom, pan, etc. Though- it doesn't work through RexEdit or Edius.

Ron, wait till you see the clip at he's, by far, the best wedding videographer on the planet! Don't believe me- take a look for yourself. The guy is making 6 digits doing this stuff!
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Old June 25th, 2003, 09:28 AM   #36
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The last wedding I did the bride ask a week after the wedding if they could have all the uneditted video tape! I told them they only get the tapes and the DVD after I'm done with all edits. If I put my name at the end I don't want people to see the bad shots and say that guy wasn't to good. That's one of the great things about a editting progam you can take out the part when you forgot to shut off the record button.

None of you would give the couple a uneditted tape would you?
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Old June 25th, 2003, 09:51 AM   #37
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Give them the tapes heck no!

I will sell them my unedited tapes.

In my agreement they can buy the original tapes for $25 each I usually shoot at least six tapes. That just puts more money in the pile.

I want them to buy Tapes DVDs CD picture disk any thing that brings in more moola.

I am in this business to make money so I can buy cool equipment to play with.

Remember it is not just DV it is an addiction. (LOL)
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Old June 25th, 2003, 10:16 AM   #38
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I'm with you Ron. What if i gave them or even sold them the tape. They show it to family members who then might not buy a DVD or tape. But if they see a real nice DVD they might buy one. I think they heard the word 'edit' and thought they were getting short changed.
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Old June 25th, 2003, 10:27 AM   #39
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Bob didn’t you say you use a documentary style approach to your movies?

I would like to hear more about that if you could expound on that
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Old June 25th, 2003, 03:22 PM   #40
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I've given a slightly edited copy of the raw footage to a friend for whom I did the wedding. I don't ever give away the original camera tape except for a work-for-hire job.
Mike Rehmus
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Old July 13th, 2003, 06:12 PM   #41
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Re: Uh-oh

<<<-- Originally posted by Charles Newcomb : Mahalo means "thank you."

Aloha means Good bye (and hello).

You hauli (how-ly) jerk means: "You're standing on my foot." -->>>

Since we're trying to get this right...

a haole is a white person. (not hauli).

On another note... I am thinking of going to the WEVA convention next month... anyone else going?
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Old July 14th, 2003, 10:03 AM   #42
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I am not sure about going to WEVA convention.

I am going to open myself up for a punch here but I am not sure it is worth the money.

I have viewed a number of WEVA members videos that really were not that good.

I recently viewed a video made in 2003 by one of the speakers at this years WEVA convention and it really lacked originality the endless fades and poor choice of music would put you to sleep in no time.

If you don’t have a clue about how to get started then it will probably do you some good but, if you are a creative editor that knows your software and people like your work you may be better off being an original than one of the followers. If you need inspiration watch wedding TV.

Just my opinion I could be wrong.
(I do stay booked year around because people like my work.)
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Old July 14th, 2003, 10:23 AM   #43
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Ron do you have a website for the Wedding videos you do- if not do you have any clips to share. I'd love to see some of your work, as with anyone else on here that has the means to post. Thanks!
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Old July 14th, 2003, 11:24 AM   #44
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If you are curious about the WEVA convention, first try out one of their 'Town Meetings.' I went to one and then decided that NAB was better for looking at equipment.

I find many of the WEVA folks to be great but there is this undercurrent of pomposity that is very similar to the view of the world that some PPA-types exude. I understand that to charge a lot of money for a video, one has to have a good bedside manner. But some of it "fair puts me off," as my Engish friends would say.

I too think some of the work is just terrible. About on the level of a first effort by a beginning student.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old July 14th, 2003, 11:35 AM   #45
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No wedding website it is still under construction. I will post it as soon as it is up.

I am so busy it is not a big priority right now.

As soon as things slow down I will get back on it.
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