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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old October 17th, 2007, 01:10 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 1,180
Thanks Mike, Edward and Rick. It seems like it is/can be all straight forward.

Just so I can better understand what is going on, and I'm not even certain I am asking the right questions here, could any of you explain:

1. When Mike you rename MOVIE.VOB (which I understand is an mpeg file) to MOVIE.AVI, is it still an mpeg file and thus compressed as Rick warned against editing with?

If so, does it still have the disadvantages of mpeg re editing? I found editing with mpeg on my current machine slowed things up hugely. I'm getting a new, very fast machine today or tomorrow so maybe that will be no problem from now on. :-)

(I presume when you say you import it into CS3 you are taking it into Premiere as part of the CS suite.)

2. Does 'File - Import - DVD Camcorder Disc' as suggested by Edward, simply bring it in as a .vob/mepeg file with the above disadvantages re effecting on the computer?

3. 'You can always export it out to an AVI.' Does this mean that I 'rendered' out to avi or actually use an 'export' function? Just wondering if you are using terms loosely or precisely.

4. Any other I've missed?
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