Poor audio from referee's Mic ! at DVinfo.net
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Old September 19th, 2007, 02:28 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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Poor audio from referee's Mic !

I film Rugby games, this week, for the first time, the referee, wanted to be mike'd up for his personal copy of the tape. It's a Guinness Premiership match.Newcastle v Sales Sharks.
I was given the Sennheiser G2 receiver before the kick off by the fourth official. The same type of system I use week in, week out for weddings.
I checked the frequency on both transmitter and receiver they matched.( it was the refs own) so I left it as was, didn't pay any attention to what it was set to,to be honest, just noted that it was the same on both!
Well when both teams and officials were in the tunnel, I switched on the receiver, listening through the headphones, Awful! When the ref took the field, the game kicked off in seconds, I altered all my audio settings on the Canon G2/XM2 Camera, Still awful. You could just about hear him giving his instructions to the players, but it wasn't any good. I didn’t use my Z1 because he didn’t have an XLR on his receiver.
Now I film from the stands on the Television gantry , there's the press box below me, laptops, mobile phones, stewards with walkie talkies, loads of interference, so I wasn't really surprised the sound was so bad. I gave up after a few minutes, and un plugged it!
I know ideally I would have done a sound check before he took the field, but it's not practical in this stadium, both logistically and budget wise!
I've heard good audio feed from a referee on the TV, so know it can be done.
Plus when i looked him it looked like the mike was flying all over place anyway, I think that may have been the problem!
Any tips Please?
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