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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old September 16th, 2007, 10:59 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Sacramento, Elk Grove. Calif
Posts: 306
First SDE

Just wanted to pass a long a little information about my first SDE. Don't do many weddings - too much workn and I'm too old but thought I'd try the SDE trick. Only had an hour between ceremony and showing! Working with two shooters I did handheld for the processional shooting to DV tape. when the B&G got to the arch I went to the tripod which had been stationed to the side and where my laptop was set up. I had considered gretting a Firestore for this purpose but too much maoney and seems to be somewhat tempermental. So I used DV Rack and a laptop. I had the program started and running before the ceremony started and a firewire hooked up to the computer. Since I don't stop my cam once it startes at a two cam ceremony I just placed my cam on the tripod and aimed it and connected the firewire. When I did that the DVRack recognized the cam and started recording. I then had everything at the alter on tape as well as already on the hard drive so I didn't have to capture anything in the short period of time I had. I had already made up a montage with interviews with the B&G interspersed and had that rendered as an avi on the hard drive. I had set up a spot in the presentation to place the SDE footage. Using Vegas I then placed the avi on the timeline and edited in the SDE scenes - not a lot- and printetd to DV tape. Was done with time to spare. PLayed the result from a DV cam to a projector and everyone seemed to like it. But like I said before - toooo much work. But it was cool.

Thought I'd share the experience.
Puttin the wet stuff on the red stuff!
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Old September 17th, 2007, 03:00 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: College Park, Maryland
Posts: 913
Hey Terry,
Thanks for sharing your experience with a SDE. I'm still waiting for a turn to try one at a Quinceanera but don't see the perfect opportunity to try it out yet. Maybe next year. Glad it worked out well and the crowd enjoyed it. Take Care

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