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Old August 16th, 2007, 11:19 PM   #1
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Funny wedding moments

So what funny moment have your videotaped at a recent wedding?

Several weddings ago in church, the couple did the "unity candle" where they use two candles to light a third. Apparently the wick to the third candle was very short, and they could not light the candle. They stood there, giggling and panicking for more than a minute whispering "Oh no! s**t..What are we going to do now? Oh no!!! S**t...Call the minister wait...Oh no....this is not happening... oh s**t" They didn't realize I was there recording everything they said with the wireless mic on the groom.... BTW the candle never did light.
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Old August 17th, 2007, 10:54 AM   #2
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Grief....we are a serious lot, are we not? Come's Friday!

Also had a couple battling in vain with a Unity Candle that just wasn't up to the rigours of a Scottish summers day....howling wind and sideways rain.

Had a minister (not the groom or the best man) forget the rings and have to stop the ceremony to rush off and get them.

Had the worst Bag Piper in history who sounded more like he had a cat under his arm that he was trying to do something not very nice to.

A bridesmaid totally loosing it and going through a complete rollercoaster of emotions from laughter to uncontrollable giggling to out loud sobbing.

Have a nice weekend everyone!
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Old August 17th, 2007, 11:06 AM   #3
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3 weeks ago in a small gazebo, I had a groom passout during the vows right into the brides arms. She wasn't strong enough to hold him and the best man came in slid his arms between the grooms arms under his shoulders and held the groom straight up.

People were yelling for water, room, and a chair. The groom lifted his head and said, "Can we get to the I do's?"

We quickly got to the I do's with the groom finishing the rest of the ceremony sitting in a chair, while the bride stood.

The video of the formals is some of the funniest stuff I've ever shot.

It was a fun dayl.
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Old August 17th, 2007, 12:10 PM   #4
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I've had so many funny things happen I can't remember them all now. I've had several clips on the TLC channel on that funny wedding clips show. I'll give 2 of my recent favorites.

I had a couple having trouble with unity candle (the 2 smaller candles went out), so the best man handed the groom his cigarette lighter and the groom and bride held that and lit the main candle. Funny stuff.

I also had a couple who had agreed to be nice during the feeding of the cake, and then the groom went back on his word and smashed it into her face. Everyone expected her to retaliate, but she didn't, and instead fed it to him nicely. Then they kissed, and while the groom was raising his hands in the air and cheering to the guests, the bride literally used both hands and dug a cavernous hole out of the side of the cake and threw it at the groom. I've never seen so much cake everywhere.

Oh, wait, one more. At my brother-in-law's wedding (which I was in AND filmed with 3 cameras), the ring bearer got tired and sat down on my shoes. When it was time to give the rings, I found out he was asleep and had to pick him up and guide him to the bride and groom. On the other side, his younger sister (flower girl) was bent over and completely mooning the guests. Way too funny.
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Old August 17th, 2007, 12:56 PM   #5
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I might have told this story before, but I'm not sure.

At one wedding, the groom said, "I Bruno, take you Sandra, to be my awful wedded wife."

I sh*t you not, she look back at him and said, "I Sandra, take you Bruno, to be my awful wedded husband."

I nearly peed my pants....
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Old August 17th, 2007, 01:07 PM   #6
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That's funny!

That reminded me I had a priest once say to the bride, "Stephanie, do take this man David to be your wife?" The whole church busted out laughing on that one.

Oh, and I had a pastor (a pretty old guy) who was asking this young marine if he promised to "be with his wife whether rich or poor" and all of that stuff, and the groom at one point thought that he was done and so he said "yes". This old guy was hilarious. He was like "Not so fast, I'm not done, and you really don't know what you're getting into yet do you?"
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Old August 17th, 2007, 01:40 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Vito DeFilippo View Post
At one wedding, the groom said, "I Bruno, take you Sandra, to be my awful wedded wife."
A quote from "Four Weddings and a Funeral", maybe? ;-)

- Martin
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Old August 17th, 2007, 01:46 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Martin Pauly View Post
A quote from "Four Weddings and a Funeral", maybe? ;-)

- Martin
I wish. We asked them later if they wanted to re-record it, and they said no. They were unaware that they had said it wrong. It seems they decided to memorize the vows instead of repeating after the priest, and that's what they came up with. But they didn't care after the fact.
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Old August 18th, 2007, 06:52 AM   #9
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Just yesterday when the Pastor declared the couple man and wife, the Family applauded and because the couple did not kiss eachother the Pastor said, "Are you going to kiss the bride or do you want me to do it?" :)
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Old August 29th, 2007, 07:43 AM   #10
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One time I was filming (fig rig) the dancing, and all the sudden I felt this grinding behind me, I turned my head and there was a woman dancing 'with me' although I was holding a camera. And yes, it's on video.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 29th, 2007, 07:59 AM   #11
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Couple years ago we had a Catholic wedding and the Groom was mic'd up. As I always say, "from this moment on you are live". During part of the ceremony the Bride and Groom were sitting as the Priest was talking and the Groom leaned over and said, "Your boobs look great"....followed by, "I can't wait to get to the reception". My wife was monitoring the feed and had a hard time not laughing. We obviously edited it out. :)

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Old August 29th, 2007, 10:01 AM   #12
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My funniest wedding moment was in my own. My wife and I had a very small wedding with just family. During part of the wedding my brother in-law played and sang a song on the piano...anyways one of the lines in the song is "sing with me how great is our God" Taking this cue, my four year old somewhat tone deaf nephew belted out what we think was singing...but since he didn't know any of the words it was more like was good stuff.
Oh yeah...the minister asked my wife if she took me as her wife too...guess that must be hard for them to remember....
P.S. I also learned at my wedding that it doesn't matter how much you tell someone how to use a video camera...they can still screw it up...during the processional I noticed my XL1 was not recording although the camera person thought it was...then when I got that fixed they chopped my head off for the rest of the wedding...bummer...
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Old August 30th, 2007, 01:39 PM   #13
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I was filming the bridesmaids getting ready and one of them couldnt control her bodily functions...

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Old August 30th, 2007, 03:56 PM   #14
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this past saturday i had few funny or not so funny things happen. one of the groomsman decided not to eat all day while preparing the slideshow for the reception. he fainted during the vows and almost took out a table full of lit candles. i didn't know whether to tape him after he had fallen or not. i did a "quick pan" to see what was going on.

before this, a woman knocked over a glass aisle vase full of water with a candle. they had to quickly clean it up before the ceremony started.

and during the reception a woman got blasted in the chest by the bouqet during the toss. the bride had been complaining about how heavy it was. she ending up throwing a line-drive right at this poor girl. it seemed to almost stick to her it was thrown so hard. while she was in shock (and pain) all the other women just watched it hit the floor and stared. a few seconds later someone picks it up and gives it to the shocked girl. she really took a hit to a sensitive area.

funny stuff.
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Old August 30th, 2007, 04:00 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Andrew Dryden View Post
My funniest wedding moment was in my own. My wife and I had a very small wedding with just family. During part of the wedding my brother in-law played and sang a song on the piano...anyways one of the lines in the song is "sing with me how great is our God" Taking this cue, my four year old somewhat tone deaf nephew belted out what we think was singing...but since he didn't know any of the words it was more like was good stuff.
Oh yeah...the minister asked my wife if she took me as her wife too...guess that must be hard for them to remember....
P.S. I also learned at my wedding that it doesn't matter how much you tell someone how to use a video camera...they can still screw it up...during the processional I noticed my XL1 was not recording although the camera person thought it was...then when I got that fixed they chopped my head off for the rest of the wedding...bummer...
i know what mean, my friend couldn't tape my wedding without jolting around the whole time. kinda like the blair witch movie.
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