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Old June 21st, 2017, 04:36 AM   #1
Greek/Italian/African wedding
Noa Put Noa Put is offline June 21st, 2017, 04:36 AM

Shot below wedding last week, bride was Italian/Greek and groom was African. They had about the best first entrance I ever shot, it lasted 10 minutes and glad I had my gimbal to make those high shots from the sides because the dancefloor was packed and no way to move. There where no personal vows, only standard church text, almost no speeches but luckily one emotional speech late in the evening from the bride towards her sister and lots of dancing.

This was shot on a GH5, GH4, G80 and GX80, slider used was the very small sliderone from edelkrone and gimbal was a zhiyun crane. Lenses used where the panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 which was permanent attached to the gh5, the Olympus 9-18 and 12mm f2 for the GH4 which was permanent attached to the gimbal. The 42,5mm f1.7 which is permanent attached to the gx80 and Olympus 40-150f2.8 which was used on the g80 during the ceremony, awesome lens with a great reach, I can stand on the other side of the church and still get a nice closeup of the speakers. I also had the Olympus 75mm f1.8 and the Panasonic 25mm f1.4 with me.

Noa Put
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Old June 22nd, 2017, 01:04 AM   #2
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Re: Greek/Italian/African wedding

That was great,Noa
You're an artist.
Thanks for sharing.
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Old June 22nd, 2017, 09:43 AM   #3
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Re: Greek/Italian/African wedding

Thx, I wouldn't go so far to call myself an artist :) This was the first time I went full dslr for the entire day, I"m trying to get more used to my gh5 because that camera is used for run and gun, not always easy to use but I like the direction Panasonic is taking. For some time I thought I made a mistake digging myself deep into the m4/3 system, especially because everybody else seemes to be going for either Canon or Sony fullframe camera's for weddings but now I"m happy with my choice and the investments that I made.
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Old July 27th, 2017, 03:32 AM   #4
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Re: Greek/Italian/African wedding

Looks great! Love the intro and the music in general, always nice to hear something different than the usual selection of wedding songs.

How do you find the GH5 in lowlight compared to the GH4?
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Old July 27th, 2017, 04:20 AM   #5
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Re: Greek/Italian/African wedding

Thx! :) The GH5 performs about the same as the GH4 but it is less noisy at high iso's. I can shoot up to 3200 iso and it looks good, I use 6400 iso if I need to and it doesn't require neatvideo because the noise is very fine. I would say the GH5 at 12800iso has the same amount of noise as the GH4 at 6400 iso. The color of the GH5 is also a bit better.

I sometimes see people complaining that the GH5 is not good at low light but if I shoot with a F1.4 to f2.0 lens at around 1600 iso the camera shows the same as I can see with my own eyes. Shooting at a higher iso makes the scene brighter then the way I see it so I don't see a reason why I would need higher isos because I want to show the scene like it was and not turn night into day. :)

That reminds me of my days with my Canon xh-a1 where I had to shoot with a 1/25th shutter and 6DB gain in the evening just to be able to have presentable footage, 12db of gain looked like absolute crap and 6DB was already pushing it, how far we have come in such a short time and how spoiled we have become with all available options today.
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