The Couple
Every couple has a story.
Sometimes, Film Style captures a couple's story by laying it in the actual context of its occurrence.
Other times, we lay it out against the backdrop of a fictional setting.
This fictional backdrop lends a strange authenticity to a couple's story. For while the story in and of itself may not be uncommon, its presentation is what defines it, sets it apart. And when presented as a culturally recognized plotline, that story becomes all the more memorable, fun, and ironically--unique.
That's precisely the manner in which we approached Justin and Kajal's story, to be unveiled on November 18th, 2011, and demonstrative of their mutual love of mafia films. How did we do? Well that remains to be seen, but here is the sneak peek.
A special thanks goes out to Kelsey's, Bombay Bhel and The Vig Law Professional Corporation for providing us with some key locations.
And also a special thanks to Cinevate and Small HD for providing us with the tools to tell this story.
Technical Details
Canon 5Ds, Canon 60Ds
35 f1.4, 50 f1.2, 85 f1.2, 135 f2.0, 70-200 f2.8
Cinevate Atlas 10 FLT
Cinevate Cyclops
Cinevate Pegasus Table Dolly
Small HD DP6
Manfrotto Monopods