4th Wedding. Would love some feedback at DVinfo.net
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Old September 11th, 2011, 06:51 PM   #1
4th Wedding. Would love some feedback
Andrew Klokow Andrew Klokow is offline September 11th, 2011, 06:51 PM

Hey everyone! This is the highlight video from my 4th wedding. I just got a slider so im excited to use it on my upcoming weddings. Anyways.. i would love some feedback on the video!

Andrew Klokow
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Old September 11th, 2011, 07:33 PM   #2
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Re: 4th Wedding. Would love some feedback

It's good, it really is. That being said, here's a few things I noticed:

- Maybe it's just me, but I much prefer to break the norm and start out with people shots as early as possible. Ho-hum location shots tend to bore me, and with a short form video you definitely want to start with a bang. Eye-candy CUs of rings and such (I watched your other videos) work for a "title card," but I always think getting to the stars of the show makes a difference.

- be careful with your highlight exposure, especially in the brides dress. There are a lot of *expensive* details hidden in the white fabric, so make sure we can see them! It's a challenge, but I tend to underexpose just a LITTLE bit and correct later.

- it can be hard to keep a DSLR steady. I noticed a fair number of "jitters" in the footage. Even a 30mm can be quite noticeable if it's not properly stabilized. A tripod, monopod, or support rig will add some weight and smooth out the jitters you don't even notice when you're shooting. If you have one, use it more if you can.

- on camera moves, for example the one at the end where you pan over to the program on the table, I found it distracting for you to pan back after the initial movement. This happens on the first shot of your other video as well, with the rings. I see what you're trying to do, but for it to look natural and planned you would need to fade/gaussian blur about 2-3 seconds earlier for each video respectively.

All nitpicking details aside, great stuff. Keep it up!
Nate Haustein PXW-FX9 / FCPX
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Old September 12th, 2011, 10:02 PM   #3
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Re: 4th Wedding. Would love some feedback

If your on your own, good work. It can be a lot of work. Great compositions. My contributions:
Try a little mercalli to stabilize shots at :12
:20 white balance needs to be set for tungsten, or actually since its mixed light, turn off the lights and let the beautiful window light take over.
Make the white balance consistent through the clip, you have orange faces.
1:05 flash, look into flash removal plugins (which would easily fix that one, it has trouble with multiple flash situations).
01:14 exposure a little dark
01:44 you could bump up the contrast to actually make it look like its not foggy. I get that with lens flare, sometimes I tone it down a little by bumping up the contrast
2:08 same as what Nate said, the whites are blown out a bit, outdoors expose for your highlights so that you can correct in post.
2:20 watch your dof, I'd be conservative if you are not using focus peaking assist features. Give yourself a little more room to work with so that the focus isn't going in and out.
2:50 a little dark, bring it up in post.

Song seems like it could use some ambient sound.
Greg Fiske is offline   Reply

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