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Old July 18th, 2011, 08:39 AM   #1
Wedding Highlights (amateur)
Brad Ridgeway Brad Ridgeway is offline July 18th, 2011, 08:39 AM

Ok... I'm hesitant to even post this video here because I know there's lots that can be criticized. Please keep in mind when viewing that I shot with consumer cams, have less than one month experience, and this is being done as a favor to some friends.

Brad Ridgeway
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Old July 18th, 2011, 09:04 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Amateur Wedding Video - Advice Needed

Brad, there are many ways to look at your video. The primary thing for us here to keep in mind it was done as a favor, and you were't paid, and essentially you have admitted you didn't know what you were doing.

Because of these things, we can safely say well done, excellent first effort. Your settings were close enough much of the time, and you got the shots that were important, it seems.

Your friend couldn't ask for much more, you did a nice job.

For pointers, I can't help much there are so many things to look at with any video. I am very unhappy with my own work oftentimes, so this process of improvement is much the same for all of us.

I strongly suggest you find weddings to shoot for free, and keep doing it if you want. If you would like to get paid and do it more as a sideline, you want to start looking immediately for weddings to shoot, and get in as many as you can for FREE. Don't accept money for a while, you'll be glad you did, trust me. As soon as money gets involved, it all changes.

Advertise on Craigslist, or check with church wedding folks, and tell them "Hey, I'm offering free wedding videos because it's a hobby of mine,". I've done this, but with very mixed results. I did one for free where the client was more difficult than a paid client, but I did I got experience shooting, and experience dealing with people, which is so important.

More experience is what you need more than our criticism at this point, and there will be plenty who will follow my post with suggestions. Listen to us with a grain of salt, but don't over analyze things now. My opinion is just get out and keep shooting because the actual experience is most important right now.

Your shot of the bride coming down the aisle was nice, and your friends will love it. I will offer someting: Treat your videocamera as if it is a still camera. Pretend you are shooting photos, not video. You will rely less on zooming and your shots will improve. Concentrate on framing your establishing shots according to the rule of thirds, THEN hit record and keep your camera still, and don't zoom, except on rare occasions. Use a tripod whever you can.

Keep it up!
"The horror of what I saw on the timeline cannot be described."

Last edited by Jeff Harper; July 18th, 2011 at 10:32 AM.
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Old July 18th, 2011, 10:57 AM   #3
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Re: Wedding Highlights (amateur)

Brad: for your amount of experience and the tools at your disposal, the video wasn't bad at all!

Two main things that will cause you to improve dramatically: 1) watching others' examples and imitating the kinds of shots you like; 2) keep shooting! Shoot anything and everything you can, especially weddings (I agree with Jeff that you should shoot for free for a while).

It's great that you're editing everything yourself too -- you'll learn to shoot for editing, and what kinds of shots work well.

Good first effort, keep it up!
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Old July 18th, 2011, 11:23 AM   #4
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Re: Wedding Highlights (amateur)


I did watch a lot of others' examples but it was when I first started to edit and after I had already shot the wedding. I learned real quick that there were a lot of things I could have shot differently and so wished I would have watched samples before shooting.
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Old July 18th, 2011, 10:13 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Wedding Highlights (amateur)

Every time you shoot and review the footage you will see what you could/should have done, that is why Corey's suggestion to shoot everything you can is so important. This wedding is over, and it is time to find your next event to shoot!
"The horror of what I saw on the timeline cannot be described."
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Old July 18th, 2011, 10:22 PM   #6
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Re: Wedding Highlights (amateur)

Brad, I think Jeff has hit the right word - events. You have a great deal to learn, not just about recording but editing as well and you don't need to worry about upsetting a bridal couple to to learn them. Give yourself a project, people shopping, people walking their animals etc and decide the story you're going to tell.

Just by working at your craft in this way will help you a great deal, not just in weddings but in all your work.

One final thing, remember we've only been able to comment on one and a half elements of a multi-media skill; the images and their editing are part of the task, the audio, fx and the way you edit them have at least the same importance.
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