Our very first wedding...critique needed. at DVinfo.net
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Old November 29th, 2009, 07:37 PM   #1
Our very first wedding...critique needed.
Dusty Jenson Dusty Jenson is offline November 29th, 2009, 07:37 PM

Hi there...I'm a new member to the forum, although I've been "trolling" for a few months now. My wife and I just started our videography business this past summer and we hope to do this full-time at some point. We were hired to shoot this wedding in October, and we just completed the final video a couple of weeks ago. This is just the beginning of the movie, featuring the pre-ceremony preps, portraits, etc., before leading into the ceremony itself. I would love to hear some constructive criticism from some of you pros here, as I'm always looking to perfect my craft.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions. I look forward to hearing from you all.

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Dusty Jenson
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Old November 30th, 2009, 07:12 AM   #2
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Greetings Dusty,
Overall a nice piece but the scrolling title at 1:00 needs to fade in lower in the frame, IMO. Dennis
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Old November 30th, 2009, 09:48 AM   #3
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Welcome to the board. I thought for your first video it was pretty good. Even if this wasn't your first. I think the important thing to consider when starting out is to keep it simple... You pretty much nailed the simplicity of this piece throughout your video...

Keeping the word "simple" in mind I would change a few things. I would discard your titles for something else. Something like what Dennis suggested... Right now I like to use Gotham text and simply fade in and fade out at the bottom corner of the screen. Even-though it's simple you can still add creativity into this by changing a few of the settings (ie... Bold and size specific letters).
The opening shots of the revealing of the picture frame and the church. Looked pretty steady... But they were a little jerky. This might have been vimeo's fault. They don't look bad at all. The only reasoning I'm mentioning it is because lately I've become a big fan of the FCP filter "smoothcam". If your using FCP I would suggest throwing this filter in the clips and watch the difference.

I made the mistake of trying to emulate the same shots that the "greats" pull of here. Except I was without the talent and gear :-) Ever since I changed to a simpler style I've been much much much happier with my work. Let the action unfold in front of the lens instead of thinking you have to create it yourself with some fancy camera move... Thats my advice.

Love your name and your logo. The play on words with the most popular "I this and that"... Clever!

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Old November 30th, 2009, 10:24 AM   #4
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Steve, Dennis...thank you very much for your replies and critiques. I really appreciate it.

The scrolling text at 1:00 was actually a vertical pan shot of the invitation, and I used cookie cutter to superimpose that clip over the background clip. After reading your responses, I now realize that may have been a little "over the top" and somewhat distracting from the activities of the day. I will certainly keep that in mind on my next project. And I agree with the simplicity of it all...I'll need to remember the KISS priciple (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)...lol.

For my steady shots, I'm using the Steady Tracker Xtreme. I've realized now that, while it IS simple to operate, its more cumbersome than anything. Not really ideal for tight spaces, i.e. a crowded dance floor, reception all, etc. I will be looking into a handheld Glidecam or Steadycam in the near future.

I'm not familiar with FCP's Smoothcam filter. I notice this is intended for Final Cut Pro...but would you happen to know if this is compatible for Vegas Pro 9?
I'm Dusty Jenson...and I'm a PC!
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Old November 30th, 2009, 10:51 AM   #5
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There you go! Use the K.I.S.S principle... It's just my advice. I tried for over the top on every video when I first started and was never really happy with the results. You'll find your own style though that will work for you. I can already tell your going to do a great job in the future and now.

I think red giant might have a similar filter. you might want to check it out... Like I said the shots looked steady but there was a little jerk to them. I think it was from vimeo so nothing to worry about.

Look forward to seeing your progress.

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