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Old July 10th, 2009, 07:27 AM  
Prewedding film "true story" with letus
Susanto Widjaja Susanto Widjaja is offline July 10th, 2009, 07:27 AM

Hi guys,

I'd like to share my prewedding film.... please.. :P it was shot in one day from 7am to 9pm (man.. long day that was...)

We used xh-a1 + extreme with nikon lenses 24mm f2.8, 35mm f2, 50 f1.4, 135 f2.8

i know.. my lenses are not that great.. :P all bought off ebay!

This one is gonna be shown next week while we shoot their wedding on saturday.

This one was pretty tough for me, its very far from the usuall happy happy times and stuff. We really dig into their story and how to make it as filmic as possible.

Have we nailed it? dunno.. I'm sure it could've been better (if SM/jmag shot it) :P but then again, I have to say that I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I learned so much in this production and can't wait to do another one.

its not easy to tell a story.... well! gotta keep learning.

So your feedback would be much appreciated since it will help for me to do the next one.

There are 3 different timeline here and that's when it gets tricky. I let you guys figure it out.

This is a password protected video on Vimeo

password: papercranes_pl

Thanks in advance!

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Susanto Widjaja
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Old July 13th, 2009, 05:31 PM   #16
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Awsome work

Hey Susanto. i have a few question.

How many people involve in this work? include the extra and your crew. You said all shoot in one day from. How many location?

Do you script this or did you just shoot.

How long does it take you to prepare for this from the time you knew about the story untill you shoot. Does it take along time to set up for example light camera etc. or you just shoot run and gun??

That all i want to ask for now more question later if i can remember. Thank you
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Old July 13th, 2009, 06:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Thanh Nguyen View Post
Hey Susanto. i have a few question.

How many people involve in this work? include the extra and your crew. You said all shoot in one day from. How many location?
4 people crew including my self. the couple, friends at the party scene. locations are, shop, street, house.

Originally Posted by Thanh Nguyen View Post
Do you script this or did you just shoot.
I definitely scripted this

Originally Posted by Thanh Nguyen View Post
How long does it take you to prepare for this from the time you knew about the story untill you shoot. Does it take along time to set up for example light camera etc. or you just shoot run and gun??
We set up lights whenever possible. The only time we don't set lights is when we're shooting outdoors

Originally Posted by Thanh Nguyen View Post
That all i want to ask for now more question later if i can remember. Thank you
No worries Thanh, just ask me when you come up with more :)

Thanks for watching!

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Old July 19th, 2009, 09:23 PM   #18
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hi guys,

just a remark.. make sure you check and test the projector if you're playing something up the screen on the reception. I've learned my lesson the hard way now. I thought I could rely on other "professionals"

the couple hired some dj to do the audio and projector on the night and we didn't have time to check on them because of long hour photo session.

The picture on the projected screen was horrible.. all the white was blown out, too contrasty, and everything appeared to be black and white.. even the same day photo slideshow that the photographer did was sh!t.. the faces looked like they only have nose and eyes.

just a precaution for the rest of yous. It was quiet disappointing after you spend a lot of effort in making your video.

We told the couple afterward about what happened and they said they knew its the projector's fault but they say everyone else was loving what they've seen anyway so not much harm done.

I went to speak with the Dj and told him about the projector and he just thought it was the dvd player's fault cause he played it off the dvd player that the couple provided.

The thing is, the couple already tested the video using that dvd player at their home..

anyway, can't really do anything after its finished showing, so I just walked away. no point talking to someone who doesn't want to be blamed. I just won't ever recommend him to any of my clients requiring same day edit or prewedding film shown in the future.

Will post the audience reaction when I have free time!

PS: the speech from the groom was the best one i ever shot. will post the highlight here later on. it was magic!


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Old July 20th, 2009, 11:08 PM   #19
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i think it the screen's fault not your not the bride not the projector not the dj well maybe the projector's fault too just a little hehehheh that happen to me on july 4 my first SDE and it horrible maybe be it was the lighting in that restaurant it was look ok the night before i was testing it. can't wait to see the reaction
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Old July 21st, 2009, 11:29 AM   #20
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yea its definitely the projector.. although I also blame myself not checking what it'd look like before the showing.

Anyway, learn from experience eh?

Please check out the video from my blog Wedding Video Sydney | | If a picture is worth a thousand words? What about motion picture?

I removed the video from vimeo already and I can't edit my first post in this thread to change the link.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about motion picture?
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