Monitor for my XL1s at
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The View: Video Display Hardware and Software
Video Monitors and Media Players for field or studio use (all display technologies).

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Old April 8th, 2007, 02:02 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 522
Monitor for my XL1s

Can anyone recommend a monitor (LCD I guess..) for my XL1s?

I will be using it for doing short film and commercial stuff. Ive seen A LOT of different sizes (5.6 and 7") and brands. I also like the idea of having the box or cover around the monitor to shade it.

I have also seen monitors called a "Field Monitor". Whats the advantage of having a Field Monitor vs an LCD attached to your camera.

My price range is around $500.

This one seems pretty nice:


p.s. I posted this in open DV also, sorry for the repost, I didn't know which one to post this in.
Oliver Darden is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 8th, 2007, 09:34 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Huntington, WV
Posts: 260
Oliver, go to They sell a 7 inch LCD I bought for my XL2. You can buy it on ebay for about 169.00? I think that was the price. It included the shoe mount adaptor, the cable that plugs into the monitor and some other little odds and ends that will help you with your camera. Very inexpensive and it works great. Look at a video a customer with a video camera made about attaching it to his camera. It is either on there site or on ebay. Search "XL2 monitor" on ebay. Also, you will need a battery. I bought my battery from It is a Polymer Li-ion battery so it is very light and small, it will velcro right on your camera. 46.95 dollars and the charger for it is 26.95 dollars. Model PL-0550100-3S- WR , for the battery, and they will give you the model for the charger once you select the battery. This battery lasts about 2.5 hours solid runtime for me. I rarely shoot anything for 2.5 straight hours. So it generally will last me all day. This was the most affordable solution for me. As I said, I have the xl2 and mounted it to the bracket that bolts to the back of my camera. Hope this helps you. Welcome aboard. J
John L. Miller is offline   Reply

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