Using a Flat Screen TV in Storefront Window at
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Old October 31st, 2006, 02:07 AM   #1
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Using a Flat Screen TV in Storefront Window

I couldn't find another section to post this thread so here I am.....hopefully I can get some good advice.

I want to mount a flat screen tv in a storefront window for advertising reasons(my girlfriend's storefront). There will be looping ads displayed.

My question is: Will the direct sunlight cause damage to the TV?

I'm not sure what type of TV we will get but it will be a flat screen-wall mountable type.

My concern is direct sunlight on the tv.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks- Joe
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Old October 31st, 2006, 09:49 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
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I guess it depends on how hot the environment gets and how many hours of direct sunlight. Plasma screens are pretty visible in bright rooms. I had mine in an all-glass porch for two years with no problems. I know that extended periods of direct sun will age things like plastic, but I suspect it would take years before you have a problem. Of course high temperatures can damage electronics and warp plastic. Check the specs on your TV for the environmental operating temperature range, then put a thermometer in the store window and see if you will have a problem.

Your mileage may vary...
Boyd Ostroff is offline   Reply

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