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The View: Video Display Hardware and Software
Video Monitors and Media Players for field or studio use (all display technologies).

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Old March 26th, 2006, 05:14 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 74
Big question for a lot of people

As the world migrates from big ass traditional CRT televisions to flat screen PLASMA/LCD/even PROJECTOR displayer does this mean what camera operators film, and what editors edit, will have to adapt to changes in action and title safe areas?

The reason I ask is because this spring I filmed an interview, which in the viewfinder was a well framed shot. When we got back to edit the footage a line was quite evident down the extreme left of the frame. It was only evident when you viewed the overscanned image. It was the edge of a window frame.

Now this was fine because the delivery was to DVD and will be viewed by the client using SD equipment however I ask you all, what exactly is action safe these days, as this new technology is becoming more widespread.

I assume that no two TVs are the same, and they will still crop images to a degree, but surely new LCD displays will not overscan an image the way CRT displays do now. Will action safe and title safe need to be adjusted to fit in line with new technology, and if not (because of course there are still millions of CRT tvs out there) how does the camera operator know what he is filming is ALL that will be seen in post, and how will the editor deal with information that once was cropped but is now being seen by many?


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Old March 26th, 2006, 05:25 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
Posts: 11,802
Well I have a Panasonic 37" plasma, A Samsung 22" widescreen LCD and a Sony 17" widescreen LCD. All of them overscan by an amount similar to my CRT Sony TV's. This would be using the s-video or component video inputs. I believe the DVI inputs on the Panasonic and Samsung will show the full image. My only experience with projectors is the large venue 10,000 lumen variety (Barco, Christie, Sanyo, Digital Projection). I don't believe any of these overscan.

And if I watch a DVD on my Mac, it shows the full frame.
Boyd Ostroff is offline   Reply

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