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Old July 25th, 2011, 08:58 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Component / VGA question


I've searched this forum and have found some possible solutions to my problem but am confused about what I really need so if anyone can offer more advice I'd be grateful.

I'm doing a performance which invloves live video work which will be projected by an SD projector. The video is SD 4:3. I'm using the Matrox mini to output the video. I need to get the output to the projector. The simpest solution is to use a component cable but would need a 20 metre cable. Already fixed up is a VGA connector (male) so I was thinking a component to VGA (female) adapter would save buying and rigging up a 20 metre cable.

So my questions are a) would a simple conversion cable suffice - Component to VGA Video Cables - Best UK Prices at - or do I need a more sophisticated conversion box? - VGA001 YPbPr to RGBHV VGA BOX (2:1 Video Switch) - b) will I see any quality drop converting component to VGA? c) would there be any issues with a 20m component cable - I've seen what looks like a decent one for about £40: 20m Component Video Cable Only 40.84 at TVCables


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