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Old June 16th, 2011, 06:51 PM   #16
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!

Originally Posted by Paul Cook View Post
Magazines? Do people still read those things? ;-)
Yes. And some of us even write those magazine articles ;)

I saw it at NAB and again in person the other day. Really good product. I'll be working it into the writing schedule but I don't know yet when.

Ned Soltz
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Old July 6th, 2011, 12:55 AM   #17
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!


Is there a gain setting possible for vectorscope (usage of DSC Charts...)?

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Old July 19th, 2011, 09:02 AM   #18
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This is timely!

So, I'm trying to make the decision today or tomorrow between the VFM-056WP and the SmallHD DP6.

I just wanted to run my thought process by people.......

I'm using this with a Panasonic HMC-150. I'm inclined to go with the SmallHD DP6 because I only need the HDMI input - meaning i dont need the pricier DP6 - and my camera comes with a waveform that I can look at on its LCD. While it might be annoying at times to use both the LCD and the monitor, it doesn't seem to justify spending 500 more on the VFM-056WP.

Anyone agree or disagree with this logic?
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Old July 19th, 2011, 09:06 PM   #19
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!

Everyone has different needs.
I would think the DP6, but:
What would a monitor give that the HMC150 can't?
What environment is it for/what do you shoot?
Why not a lilliput or Sony CLM V55 for even less money.

For me, camera technology changes every few years. I wanted something that would last and be as versatile as possible in both software (updates - user interface - quick menu buttons) and hardware (weight - power options - I/O options).

I'm very happy I dig deeper and found it.

Last edited by Rob Rippe; July 20th, 2011 at 02:09 AM.
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Old July 19th, 2011, 09:15 PM   #20
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!

Hi Noam,

It rally comes down to what you will be using the monitor for. For me I knew I wanted to have HD-SDI capabilities as well as the other available functions found on the TVLogic that was not available on the SmallHD. I had a SmallHD DP1 and really liked it but for the type of shooting I do now, it really comes down to me being able to either save time (which means money) or be able to nail the look that the director wants.

You also need to look and if possible use both monitors in the situations that you will be shooting.

Garrett Low
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Old July 20th, 2011, 12:16 AM   #21
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!


To answer your questions, I want an external monitor cause I've done more than one interview with the HMC-150 where everything looked perfect in the monitor, and I thought I had the focus nailed but when I watched it at home, it was the tiniest bit off. I dont mind paying more to make sure it's perfectly focused.

That being the case, I figured the DP6 made the most sense cause the resolution was highest and it had certain focus features as well as things like false color that my camera does not have.

That said, I'm not familiar with the Lilliput or the Sony one. How do they compare? I can look at online specs but some of that stuff is going to go over me. What are the most salient differences in your opinion?
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Old July 20th, 2011, 07:21 AM   #22
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!

Hi Noam,

you asked:
"What are the most salient differences in your opinion?"
Because I didn't know your need. I viewed price as a key item.

I did try the Sony's CLM V55 (800 x 480) for it's price and focus assist.
I found the screen extremely reflective so I returned it.

Lilliput is a bargain for the buck. A very popular, tight budget monitor. It's a eBay item made in china. 800 x 480 I believe.

At a price under $1700 a 1280x 800 resolution monitor is a hard thing to find!
Most manufacturers just changed from a 4:3 box to 16:9 widescreen and kept the pre-HD
800x480 resolution from the DV/Bata days.

A suggestion off topic:
One thing I have seen in google searches of many new CMOS cameras, are Back Flange issues. (when you zoom in to get focus, then loose it when you zoom out.)

Your HMC-150 is CCD and a very nice camera but you may check it.
Plug the camera's HDMI into a good size TV. (or record some footage and view on your computer)

In manual focus mode:
zoom in, set/lock focus, and zoom back out a little. Check that your subject is still in focus. Zoom out a little more and check, more and check, etc.
If it doesn't hold focus send it in for repair.
I've had a Sony V1U and a Canon 7D (Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Lens) with the issue.
Sony replaced the lens for free under warranty.
I did a hard reset on the 7D and lost the problem.

Hope the info was a little help.

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Old July 20th, 2011, 10:37 AM   #23
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Re: VFM-056WP A sweet "off the radar" monitor!

Originally Posted by Rob Rippe View Post
One thing I have seen in google searches of many new CMOS cameras, are Back Flange issues. (when you zoom in to get focus, then loose it when you zoom out.)...

I've had a Sony V1U and a Canon 7D (Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Lens) with the issue.
I did a hard reset on the 7D and lost the problem.
Just to elaborate a little. Back Focus or as Canon calls it Back Flange issues don't have anything to do with the sensor type (CMOS or CCD). It's a function of the lens. Most video cameras with removable lenses have a function that allows back focus adjustment. Some cameras without removable lenses also have a function that sets the back focus but I'm not sure if the HMC-150 has it. For the7D and other DSLR's it s not a back focus issue. SLR lenses are actually not parfocal and that is why rack zooms are iffy on most SLR lenses. Some lenses are and some aren't. That's where knowing your gear really comes in.

To address Noam's question and focus issue there really is only one way to make sure you nail the focus with is so critical with HD. That is to get a bigger monitor. Both the TVLogic and SmallHD have peaking which helps with focusing but that can be fooled too since it's relying on high contrast areas and reads the sharp edges. If you set the peaking too high you'll get false positives and if you set it too low it just won't show up. For me it's a combination of using peaking, using zone focusing, taking confirmation measurements with a tape or laser measure, and using the zoom function on my monitor. One thing I like about the TVLogic that is not available on the SmallHD is the ability to choose the color of the peaking. Most times the white that the SmallHD uses is not visible. On the TVLogic you can choose what color the peaking is.

The functions I find most useful on the TVLogic (not necessarily in this order) are peaking color selection, waveform/vector scope, range error (allows blinking of areas that are outside of preselected max and min Y or C values), and false colors which show various colors within each range of values (again you can decide what where the color ranges fall).

Things I wish it had:

programmable function buttons. You have one with is the same as on the SmallHD but other monitors have up to 4.
a little better visibility in sunlight. - I made a custom sun shade which I virtually block out all light with in very sunny conditions.
If this same monitor came in an 8" or 9" model I would opt for that, my old eyes do get tired after long shoots looking at a 5.6" monitor and focusing would be that much easier.

Overall when I compared the two monitors side by side and in real world conditions I found the TVLogic to have the edge in teh feature set and it's colors were more accurate when compared to a Panasonic production monitor which most of the colorist I work with use. For me it wasn't a big issue because I know I wanted the SDI version so the cost difference was insignificant.

I would have to recommend staying away from the Sony v55 and Lilliput monitors. They won't give you the resolution necessary to use the monitor for focusing.

Garrett Low
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