FNG HELP! Mounting to tripod at DVinfo.net
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Old April 27th, 2010, 09:15 AM   #1
New Boot
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FNG HELP! Mounting to tripod

OK, I've searched for two days and am more confused than ever. What I want to do is mount a Manhattan (089B) monitor to the tripod (Libec LS-38). Using an XH A1 and want to eventually put a light on the camera shoe so trying to avoid having the monitor mounted to the camera. Any chance of mounting a Manfrotto 357 to the Libec plate and using one of the spare screw holders on the side to hold an arm of some type? Or is there a solution that will allow me to clamp something to the tripod? Monitor and tripod will be here tomorrow and I have to take them out of town Sat so I NEED to order something soon. REALLY trying to avoid hanging something directly from the camera as I already have a Sony MRC1K, J-rod/Rode, future light, etc.

Also, any suggestions for where to mount the Tekkeon batteries (other than the monitor)? I have a MultiRig Pro and will use the accessory mounts for that.

Any links/help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!
Robert Richardson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 27th, 2010, 10:42 PM   #2
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if you have a noga arm, then sure the manfrotto QR plate works great to hang the monitor from. Be aware that you need to have the weight on the "tighten" side of the screw. If you weight it so the monitor puts unscrew force on the noga arm... it'll unscrew.

The other option i use is a manfrotto nanoclamp. You can mount that to the tripod leg or the head's handle... wherever. These are nice since you can put the threaded hole aiming up and avoid the unscrew pressure.

I made a cloth case for my tekkeon and i ziptie it to the lock of the tripod leg. works fine for me so far.

Hope that helps... or inspires someone who is helpful to speak up.

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Old April 28th, 2010, 01:00 AM   #3
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Hi Robert............

Try these, won't solve your Saturday problem tho'...............


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Old April 30th, 2010, 06:09 AM   #4
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Take a look at how I mounted my HD071A to my tripod - I believe i have a setup similar to yours:

The clamps I used were a C-clamp that attaches to the tripod, and a knee-clamp attached to the C-clamp with posts that have a mounting screw. They came from a Cool-Lux lighting kit, but you could find something similar from several lighting sources.
Attached Thumbnails
FNG HELP!  Mounting to tripod-dscn0299.jpg   FNG HELP!  Mounting to tripod-dscn0300.jpg  

FNG HELP!  Mounting to tripod-dscn0301.jpg   FNG HELP!  Mounting to tripod-dscn0302.jpg  

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Bill Vincent is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 30th, 2010, 09:10 AM   #5
New Boot
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Thanks for the replies and the info Fellas!!!

Andrew, I got a manfrotto magic arm since I originally posted with the thought of doing just that. I think it'll work although is probably a bit of overkill considering the weight of the monitor. It's also quite a bit bigger than what I probably need. I also got one of the super clamps with the thought of possibly mounting the magic arm to that. In reality, something like this coming right of the tripod would work well IF it had an adjustable head at the end AND was at least a couple of inches longer:


Chris, I think the Twin Monitor Bracket MB/E might do the trick. I would really like to be able to move the monitor with the head, but I could just mount it low and to the rear like Bill did in his pics. I was also looking at this:


This adapter from Libec seems like it MIGHT be ok except it's pretty much fixed in regards to how far out from the side the mounting point is.

Bill, thanks for the great pics pics. Very similar. I've got that center post on my photo tripod, but it's CF and I'm afraid I'd crush the legs or the post using a clamp. If possible, I'd like to get my MRC1K off of the how shoe and mounted somewhere else. Saw a post where one guy mounted it with velcro to the rear battery door, but that kinda' scare me. Have you seen or thought about any other locations?

I'm headed to an explosive breaching class on Sunday so the shots will all be fairly fixed in location. I'll rig the monitor up someway with the magic arm and order something in the next day or two that will replace it when I get back. Should be a fun class.

Thanks everyone for the help and I'll post how it works out!
Robert Richardson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 30th, 2010, 11:51 AM   #6
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I wasn't crazy about the hot shoe location for my MRC1 until I got my monitor and realized it's not such a bad place for the MRC1 to go! From a wind standpoint the MRC1 will have a lot less drag on the rig than the monitor/sunhood combo would. In fact, having the monitor/sunhood over the cam would make it shaky and unstable in wind. Having the monitor posted below the camera actually adds stability to the tripod, acting as an anchor weight, which is perfect. It's not perfect for viewing, but again, having that monitor and hood up at eye level (and attached to the camera) is going to be unstable on just about any tripod but the ones made of cement... LOL!
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 10:42 AM   #7
New Boot
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I think you're right about not wanting to have the monitor mounted on the shoe. Having the CF recorder up there does kinda' protect it. Planning to get a smaller on-camera LED light and will need to mount that up there eventually so still trying to come up with a solution.

Here are some crappy pics of what I wound up doing for now. While it does work, I will certainly say that the Magic Arm is less than optimal for this use. The thing is a freaking tank!!! Weighs like 2.3 pounds BY ITSELF! Certainly out-weighs the monitor. I think a Noga would weigh like a 1/3 of what this arm does. On the upside, I'm pretty sure I could use it to beat back the hordes should it ever become necessary :-) I'll for sure be ordering a Noga to replace this.


Random thoughts... I just got the monitor and tripod during the middle of the week so finding a mounting solution was truly a sight-unseen internet affair. Andrew is definitely right in that the arm has to hang to the rear to keep clockwise pressure on the mounting stud or it will unscrew. Full Compass is located here so I drove over on Friday to try and get some threaded studs to go into the arm and 357 clamp but unfortunately they were all out of stock. They are very helpful helpful with all my new-guy questions whenever I stop in.

I had an epiphany and stopped by one of the local Fastenal stores. If you EVER need any type of fastener, they are sure with a trip!! Instead of spending about $30 on the 2 Manfrotto threaded adapters I wound up dropping a whopping $1.91 and that included extras!!!! We have a couple of robots at work and instead of spending $4 each for some of the aluminum fasteners I've gotten the same thing from the Fastenal store before for $.23 each!!!

Mounting the arm to the side definitely puts some lateral pressure on the Manfrotto 357 clamp and therefore the head. When I pan to the left and take my hand off the bar, the head will continue to do a slow pan to the left for about 15 degrees before coming to a stop. Not sure if that because of the weight or just the nature of the cheaper Libec head. I initially called Scott to order an RS-250 but they won't be available until later in May.

Using a small Manfrotto QR clamp on the bottom of the monitor means the bottom sunhood doesn't fit. I'll have to be sure I like this for mounting the monitor and then I'll dremel the sunhood to fit around the clamp.

I just hooked up the component cable to try it out but I'll have to find a way to attach it to the arm with velcro or something. The cable is more than long enough and I'm wondering if someone makes a shorter cable (camera to component...)?

I still need to come up with something to mount the Tekkeon battery. Leaving this afternoon and hoping someone might have a suggestion.

Thanks for the great advice and I'll post how it works out!!

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Robert Richardson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2010, 09:22 AM   #8
Sponsor: Westside AV
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Location: Mount Washington Valley, NH, USA
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I make a really simple bracket for this:

CineArm Bracket for holding monitor on tripod head using existing tapped hole for arm.
Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
Westside A V Studios • http://www.WestsideAVstore.com/
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