$129.00 HD Monitor at DVinfo.net
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Old December 28th, 2009, 09:48 AM   #1
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$129.00 HD Monitor

I saw this TV/Monitor at a local CVS Pharmacy and was taken by the color and crispness of the TV station they had playing on the demo model. I took my camera and hooked it up to the component video input and was very pleased with the image.

What I thought unique, was that it had component, composite, HDMI, VGA, two channel audio in, and a audio out connector. Also, a plus for me is that it is powered by a 12vdc wall wart.
I modified the power input wire to connect either into the wall wart or via a pigtail connection to a 12volt gel cell. I also, disassembled the mounting stand with a piece of aluminum so it fits nicely on a tripod.

Now granted the decimal point is located one space to the left of top shelf model pricing, but I view it as a lot of bang for the buck.

Craig Model CLC501 15"
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Old January 1st, 2010, 10:36 AM   #2
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pictures please!!

Link if possible

just found this

Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old January 1st, 2010, 12:37 PM   #3
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Hi All,

Dale, that's the one.

I picked up one of these Craig Units for the $99 Special before XMas. Really a nice unit with a good Pic.

The major issue is the damned reflective screen surface, so it helps to buy, or make, a hood for the unit.

It's very lite and easy to mount, and to power up with a seperate battery.

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Old January 9th, 2010, 09:10 AM   #4
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Does anyone have picture settings for it that seem to work well?

I picked up one of these last night and it has a terrible TV broadcast image albeit the signal from Time Warner Cable here is really really bad.

Today I will be hooking it up to my EX1 to see if it looks decent so I was wondering if anyone found picture settings that were accurate that I can start from.

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Old January 9th, 2010, 01:18 PM   #5
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I would just output color bars from the cam and adjust till it most closely resembles what you see on the cam's LCD.
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Old January 9th, 2010, 05:39 PM   #6
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Hi All,

John, I get great Pics from local channels, coming off an old Mobil Phone magnet based ant.

What Adam said, for tuning. Although I also use a Blue Filter with the SMPTE color bars test pattern.

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Old January 11th, 2010, 04:58 PM   #7
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Put On Tripod.

I bought one of these CVS monitors and the Auvio 7"Hi-Res...Im keeping both.The TV picture looks just as good as my FIOS...Im loving this setup for $320 U.S. basically.Ill post some picts later.I mounted the Auvio using a GPS suction cup thingy and a hack from this forum.Sweet.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 10:15 PM   #8
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Hi Michael,

I've looked at the Auvio unit also, Pic looked very good too. How well does it do for picking up TV chanels ????

I would plan to use it for both duties while traveling.

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Old January 12th, 2010, 12:51 AM   #9
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its cute, runs on 12v will allow you to focus, but really there is no setting , that can make it have some perfect color, it has a poor viewing angle range, and like john said it doent have a primo tuner.
with the exact same connections this LCD will not pull channels both of the other LCD tvs will. any weak signal and some channels will go to heck

it is awesome all the connections and input capability it has, a second monitor for the computer, a feild monitor, old analog signals, put in a dvd , just about anything, light weight low in power, and 12V input. it also has an array of menu items that would be just like a real LCD tv.
but it doesnt have a way to get "really good color" or even really good blending of its backlight and stuff like that. as already mentioned it is shiny front, but adding in a non-glare screen protector can be done on it like any PDA, putting scratches on something you can replace.

One tip so far, if you lose a Digital Tune, and you can't get it to Re-Tune a digital, then switch to an analog channel , then back to digital or turn it on then off again.

the "standard" color profile thing gets the signal down where it isnt blowing out on the high stuff, nothing makes the color all "correct" ??
Warm and cool settings just piddle with the blue a bit
there is no "backlight" adjustment, unlike some LCDs, so ALL changes in brightness/contrast, are based only on the LCD pannel itself. so if you turn down the brightness (for example) your only re-ranging the LCD pannels output, and wiping out some of its possible range .
stuff like that, for the price is nice, but for the price it basically only does one "picture" :-)
Re-learning everything all over again, one more time.
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Old January 12th, 2010, 01:33 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Harold Schreiber View Post
Hi Michael,

I've looked at the Auvio unit also, Pic looked very good too. How well does it do for picking up TV chanels ????

I would plan to use it for both duties while traveling.

It's didn't pick up as many as the CVS set but i picked up all the national broadcast and about 8 local channels.I took an antenna off of a Haier 7" digital Tv that I tried before and attached it to the CVS and I get about 50 channels on it ( over the air)and they all look great. I compared them side by side and although the CVS is sharper, theyre close enough that you can use the Auvio for most focus situations, especially run and gun.If you're in a static location the CVS wins hands down.
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