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The View: Video Display Hardware and Software
Video Monitors and Media Players for field or studio use (all display technologies).

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Old December 21st, 2004, 03:32 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 66
Field Monitor

I am looking for a fairly lightweight (no more than 20 pounds or so) tv or field monitor to take with me while doing interviews for a TV station. Something so that others can see what is on camera and I with my bad eyes can get a better view of what I'm shooting. On the cheap side I could by a 13 inch TV (don't know if any accept Svideo) and be done with it, but I'm hoping that there is something better out there that doesn't cost 800 dollars. Something with better resolution, accepts Svideo if I'm lucky, etc.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
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Old December 22nd, 2004, 02:08 AM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Sydney
Posts: 32
I sometimes use my 17" computer monitor for monitoring.
It's an Acer AL1731 ($US300) with 1280x1024 pixels.
The inputs are:
Audio jacks driving 2x2W speakers.

It weights 8Kg and has a screen response time of 15ms.
It's just an average computer lcd so I'm sure you'll find many eguivalents.

hope it helps,

David Farland
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Old December 22nd, 2004, 08:16 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
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Many people use the Sony HR 8" PVM monitor. It takes sony's brick batteries
so you can run it without wall power. Another choice is the Panasonic 7"
pro LCD. Both of these options cost close to a grand. I have a 14"
sony and though it is great, it is pretty big to cart around.

As is the case with most everything, you get what you pay for, but I there
is a new 7" LCD that is like $299 and is supposed to be good. I think I read
about that somewhere on this board.
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 03:01 PM   #4
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Location: Hollywood USA
Posts: 128
If you have a laptop that is fairly recent in processor power..You can get DV Rack from and it will pretty much do everything you need when your in the field. And it records you footage using your hard drive and in turn removing digitizing in post.
Canon XHA1, SGpro,Flip,FF, RR Mattebox, Nebtek V-R70p-HDA with Canon, Nikkor Primes 24mm f2.8, 28mm f2.8, 35mm f2.0, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.4, 105mm f1.8, 135mm f2.0, and 300mm f4.0.
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