Can I use an NTSC dvd-player as a screen for a PAL camera? at
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Old June 12th, 2009, 11:02 AM   #1
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Can I use an NTSC dvd-player as a screen for a PAL camera?

Hello there,

I recently found out you can use some portable dvd players as screens for cameras, for an easier way to get a decent focus. I'm still a total noob with this but have been looking around, and this one guy is selling a 10 inch portable player for little money. The rub is that his player is ntsc and my camera is pal, and I'm not in a position to check if this works before I buy it. I do however know that the player can play PAL dvd-movies, which would seem to indicate it can display a PAL signal.
I also saw in the technical details that it says "Line in for playback external sources" which I suppose means you can plug an external device like a camera into it. Is this the case? Like I said, total noob.

Here are the details for this player, in case anyone can help me out.

Philips PET 1000 Portable DVD Player with 10.2" Display: Electronics & Photo

Thank you!
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Old June 12th, 2009, 02:50 PM   #2
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i have a different ntsc portable dvd player and a pal camera. When i feed it the pal signal it does what any other ntsc monitor does when you feed it pal: it displays a slightly distorted black and white version of the pal image that flickers. I suppose you could use it for framing, and while better than *no* monitor, it would make me nauseated to try to look at it for any length of time.

Its *possible* the phillips has the ability to display pal, but it seems unlikely. The sony and daiwoo ntsc units I've played with dont. Unless you know for certain a dvd player has pal/universal input, I'd avoid it.

Hope that helps or something.
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Old June 16th, 2009, 02:17 PM   #3
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Thanks for the tip, Andrew. Yeah I don't think I'll take my chance with this one, something else will come along which I can test before I buy.

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