I am a bit confused and looking for help. An LCD is not a CRT and should not have "fields". Should not work in an interlaced mode. Display should only be regulated by Hz (50... 60..100...). Or no? Or maybe they simulate fields to show PAL/NTSC footage ? Also... if I connect a PC to an HD1080p monitor (like my LG W2261V with actual 1920x1080 pixels) through a DVi cable should I see the same image that I see connecting a Blueray with a HDMI cable (this particular monitor has VGA,DVi and HDMI inputs). Is my monitor a "TV monitor" or just a PC monitor? Are all full-HD LCDs 1080p or I can buy a 1080i one? For example, this JVC one (
JVC Professional Features page) has less pixels but I think it can show me 1080i (I mean.. here I can appreciate if a video has or not fields). A final question... why Adobe Premiere has a 1080i 50i output setting and there is now way to get a 1080p 25 setting (while there is a 1080p 24 and 30) !?