Field monitor for Sony PMW-EX1? - Page 4 at
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Old February 16th, 2008, 09:06 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Michael H. Stevens View Post
Dell 24' HD LCD
Michael - - How close do you sit to this monitor?!!
On a side note... have you seen 'Spinal Tap'? The scene in which the band members sketch plans for new stage props (they want huge Stonehenge-like things, as I recall), and when estimating the size they want, they put two little lines instead of one, next to all their figures. A classic.
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Old February 16th, 2008, 09:51 AM   #47
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good to know it is not my camera. I saw a similar thing on a cheaper Sony LCD HDTV through the component in. I went to the place I bought it and they hooked it up to their Sony HD CRT and it looked great through the component. I just tried the inputs on a top-end Sony LCD and it too looked great. I think it must be just cheaper monitoring that exhibits weird artifacts.
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Old February 16th, 2008, 10:37 AM   #48
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I use a JVC Tube HD monitor DT-V1910CGU - much better than any flat panel by far - HD SDI / Component / HD SD, almost 1000 line horizontal resolution -
perfect for grading and any field related issues ( not visible on flat panels of course )

I also use a JVC 26 inch HD flat display, but I must say it's normally OFF.

I suppose I should add that I have realtime full raster component output from my edit system in HD or SD - great with After Effects as well.

Another Sunny Day in Ibiza
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Old February 16th, 2008, 04:29 PM   #49
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Scaling issue?

So related to the problem I mentioned earlier in this thread. I played back some footage on a high-end Sony LCD HDTV and it looks great. In 1080 modes. This is a 1080 set and the 720p footage has all these vertical lines appearing across the whole image. This was the reverse of the problem I saw at home when the 1080 stuff on my Panasonic plasma (720 set) would show vertical lines.
I really want to know if other people have seen this. The footage looks fine in FCP, but why is it scaling badly out of the component out?

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Old February 17th, 2008, 09:09 AM   #50
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Video Card

I wonder why almost all are using the graphic/display card video preview.Why not use a HD video in out card like BM, AJA or even the Matrox MXO to preview
the video to an HD monitor/TV through SDI/Component. Will get true sharp
real colour. I know it is additional investment, though should consider.

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Old February 20th, 2008, 06:02 AM   #51
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Editing HD


What I do with my canon xl h1 is this....capture from firewire to finalcut pro and whilst editing just leave the firewire connected but also have a normal tv monitor connected to the composite out connection from the camera. The camera converts the HD signal to normal SD. Hence you get to edit in HD and see your footage on a none HD monitor. Other way of doing it would be to have a HD monitor connected to one of your dvi ports on the back of a mac computer and choose to display the canvas on that second monitor. choose this in video playback section. Hope this helps.

Notice your in the west mids as well.
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Old February 20th, 2008, 03:31 PM   #52
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for those monitoring on a 24" Dell, did you ever tried to open it up to see if you can power it from a 12 volt source ?

I have a Samsung 244T and it seems the LCD needs many different power, like 24v, 13.6v, 5,4v....

making it difficult to power it from a (car) 12 volt battery....
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Old February 20th, 2008, 10:56 PM   #53
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At home I am monitoring right now on a 23" Apple Cinema. Shut up- I already have the proper level of shame.

I occasionally use a Sony LMD 2450, which is a production 24" HD-SDI monitor. That's pretty nice but its still 8-bit. This is one monitor I plan on using in my edit suite and on set.

On one job I monitored on a CRT, I think that was hooked up via HD-SDI. It was 709 color space, and showed nice images.

Then I had a chance to watch some DI stuff on a Sony BVM L230. That's a 10 bit dual link HD SDI display. Suddenly I was Keanu Reeves: "Whoa!"

We were monitoring a mix of HDCAM SR and XDCAM EX on it. (I operated an EX as "C Cam") I could definitely see the difference- but d@mn the EX1 looks good.

I am also looking to add a low end 1080p SXRD projector to my suite at home as I am doing more and more stuff intended for theatrical screening. That's an 8 bit solution though.

If I plan on doing DI with 10 bit workflows, (which I do) then I need to seriously consider a high end CRT or the Sony BVM LCD.

I swear, being in this business is like having a railgun for your wallet.
Alexander Ibrahim
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Old February 21st, 2008, 07:14 PM   #54
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EX1 monitoring live via computer/monitor


Ok this might be a stupid question but is there any possibility to connect the EX1 to my computer or direct to my monitor? USB, firewire?

I have an LG L2000c monitor with DVI-D and D-SUB inputs. Im using Vegas Pro 8.

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Old February 21st, 2008, 07:31 PM   #55
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There's several way to do this, but, they all involve converter boxes for HD. You can use firewire for SD, only. If you have HDRack, it will recognize the firewire connection from the EX1. As for displaying HD, Aja, Black Magic Design, Video1, Convergent Design, Miranda all make converter boxes to go from component to DVI or HD-SDI to DVI. There are some pro monitors that will take HD-SDI directly.
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Old February 21st, 2008, 07:43 PM   #56
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ah, i should have mentioned that i would like to do this with my excisting gear.

Basically why I need this is I would like to see the full frame (the EX1 LCD crops the image slightly, correct?) to find the correct zoom settings for all my Canon FD lenses with my Letus Extreme. It would be more accurate if I had a way to monitor the whole area live. I can do it via record, speak the zoom settings into the mic and check in Vegas though so it will have to do.

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Old February 21st, 2008, 08:42 PM   #57
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Thanks for the info Brian. Yep west midlands, sunny Birmingham to be exact ;)
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Old February 22nd, 2008, 08:46 AM   #58
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As a union 1st assistant, I carry my laser rangefinder everywhere. Personally I like the Hilti models, since they're fast, accurate to 1/32" at 2'-600', and durable. I just upgraded from the PD30 to the PD42. Stanley also makes one for $100 US which is very good, just lacking some of the higher end features (sight, triangulation, etc.). As far as monitors go, can anyone who has used the TVLogic LVM-071W describe the waveform feature? Is it a high resolution scope, or is it similar to the panasonic (which has atari-like resolution and can only be used for exposure). Is it possible to set it to fill the screen? I'd like to find something similar to the Astro 3014 that doesn't cost $12,000.
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Old February 22nd, 2008, 05:09 PM   #59
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purchase a wallet that can hold a 24" lcd monitor, put inside a lcd monitor that has the input you need (several has components and hdmi now).
add a small 12V->110V converter and a small battery (nimh or li-ion).
put the wallet on the floor, open it , set the monitor a 45 deg, use the wallet cover as sunshade et voila. all this should not cost you more that 800$.
if you calibrate the monitor, you can even use it for color check.
2 good monitors samsung 225mw (22" and not full HD) and LG 246WH (24" full HD, best choice)
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Old February 25th, 2008, 07:23 AM   #60
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If you have US$230 and run Windows this little gadget allows you to calibrate a television monitor. If you have a few more dollars and want to charge the neighbors for calibrating their TVs, then this package of goodies will do the trick.

I recently bought a 22" LG HDTV (720p) for our bedroom from Best Buy. I was stunned to find out that television calibration is an insider's business. Best Buy charges US$250 to calibrate a new television so I thought there'd be something I could purchase to do it myself. The Colorvision SpyderTV is the only device I've found so far.

I've calibrated and profiled dozens of computer monitors and find it frustrating that the larger television market doesn't have a good selection of calibration tools.
~ CB
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