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Video Monitors and Media Players for field or studio use (all display technologies).

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Old March 6th, 2007, 08:47 AM   #16
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here's a good thread on this topic.

there just don't seem to be many good, cheap solutions....some good tips in this thread, though.
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Old March 6th, 2007, 04:51 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Granville Hatcher View Post
I am trying to connect my xenarc to HVX via component out > Mayflash VGA transcoder > Xenarc.
I'm thinking of getting the Xenarc/Mayflash set up too.

Type mayflash marshall in google...or check this on hooking up other LCDs to XH-A1:

Also more details on Mayflash transcoding:
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Old March 7th, 2007, 10:48 AM   #18
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Interesting read on the avsforum. It seems to be the consensus that the mayflash vga001 does a much better job at active transcoding the signal than the Vdigi VD-Z3 and the X2VGA2, because it uses the LMH1251 chip.

Granville: maybe your mayflash is broken. It's also a possibility that either the component output of your camera is malfunctioning (less likely) or the vga-input of your xenarc. You can test any of them by connecting them to other devices, so you can rule out options.
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Old March 8th, 2007, 09:06 PM   #19
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XH-A1 BNC to RF on a laptop - possible?

Would it be possible to get an image from a XH-A1, via the BNC terminal (SD) to the screen of a laptop with a digital TV card via its RF jack (DVB-T)?
Robert Garvey Photographer
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Old March 9th, 2007, 03:14 AM   #20
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You would be better off resolution-wise getting a laptop with a Firewire port - or a Firewire port on a PCMCIA card adaptor if it's an older laptop. They're cheap and available.

The BNC out is just composite video and would need to be run through a modulator to provide channel assignment before your digital tuner could use the signal which will simulate the lowest resolution possible.

If you own the digital tuner already, consider a cheap wireless transmitter for your camera. That has merit.
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Old March 9th, 2007, 08:07 PM   #21
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Thanks Jay,

The laptop is new, it just happened to come with a digital TV card. It has firewire but to display with that option requires the Canon Console Software 1.1 or some other software solution at $500 or more.

What is a cheap wireless transmitter and what port would it connect to??
Robert Garvey Photographer
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Old March 10th, 2007, 02:47 AM   #22
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Isn't there a program for Windows laptops that allows simple firewire monitoring like i-movie for the mac which is free? Hmmmm....

With RF transmitters the quality corresponds to the price. Most of them are composite video in, RF out. Google something like Nippon WV-300 for an example of a cheap one.

Are you sure your laptop doesn't have a video in port? That's the simple solution, just video out to video in.

If you're attempting to use SD composite video for focus assist on a laptop, don't waste your time (and forget anything with an RF link!). The picture from firewire is useful as it's higher resolution but delayed a second or so depending on the chipset used. Best solution is a dedicated component monitor like a Marshall for on-camera use or an inexpensive EDTV type TV with component inputs for studio use.
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Old April 24th, 2007, 09:46 AM   #23
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9" CRT as Field Monitor for the XH-A1

Just about to take the plunge with a Canon XH-A1 as I have a number of doc. type projects lining up that need 16:9 and my VX2100 is not ideal..
I use my Ikegami 9" CRT field monitor with the VX and I'm very pleased with its performance..
Question is: for the time being, would this monitor - using SD/Composite out of the XH-A1 - be an adequate way of field monitoring until budget allows for a true HD monitor?
Anyone using a similar set-up..?
Thanks, Rgds, Ross.
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Old April 24th, 2007, 12:05 PM   #24
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This still should answer that question, at least from me!

Certainly you won't be experiencing the resolution of the HD image but as far as I could tell, the critical factors that one looks for in a monitored image (exposure, color value, gray scale) were all in place and accurate with the 8044Q Sony broadcast monitor I've been using for years. In fact, with this size monitor there is much less difference in the HD version due to its small size. Obviously when one steps up to a larger display the resolution makes a big difference.
Charles Papert
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Old April 24th, 2007, 12:36 PM   #25
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CRT field monitor

That is music to my ears....
Thanks Charles..

Rgds, Ross.
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Old May 28th, 2007, 07:36 PM   #26
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EDTV for HD on an XH-A1?

Anyone know if you can use one of those med-sized, EDTV LCDs to monitor and focus tack sharp using a Canon XH-A1 shooting in HD mode?

The A1 has a menu-setting that basically downconverts footage over a component connection to SD live...which is where I imagine the EDTV coming in and being handy.

Is there any lag in doing this, any other problems I don't know about?

I ask now, because I've found a great, portable way to lug around one of these 13-15 inchish LCD monitors. Amvona sells an awesome, double pole clamp. It's tiny, but hold 30lbs. and clamps securely to my old, beat-up but heavy-duty, tripod sticks (albeit I wouldn't want to try it on my carbon fibre ones). This means that if you've got the right kind of tripod sticks and a tripod dolly as I do, then you could then attach a short metal pipe from Home Depot to the free pole clamp. Then, epoxy a WESA LCD monitor mount to this pipe (PC-17 is much stronger than JB Weld from my experience, but more expensive and harder to find), and wala, now you've got a detachable, 15" LCD monitor on a stick basically that'll attach to your tripod and move uber conveniently and securely with you (assuming you've got a tripod dolly as well).

The benefit of the EDTV, assuming you can use it to focus in real-time with no problems using the downconvert through component option in the A1 menu, is, of course, that now you've got a fairly portable and convenient field monitor that looks good for shooting and focusing BOTH high-def and SD.

It would be an all-in-one solution I would think, to go along with a toteable jump pack power source.

Any input? Someone's practically begging me to take her 13.4" Sharp Aquos EDTV off her hands, and I'd like oblige if someone could answer this for me.

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Old May 28th, 2007, 09:38 PM   #27
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Hi Eugene.....

You might want to try this out with your wide screen telly at home before jumping into this big time. I've fed my A1 into a low/ medium def widescreen using the SD composite feed and certainly wouldn't want to be making focus decisions based on what I can see on that.

As far as I can see, if you're going to lug a biggish SD/ MD screen around, you might as well go the whole hog and get a HD screen with component I/P's so you at least get everything on the screen the camera can O/P.

Of course, you're up there with a 24"er and the problems of powering it away from a wall socket, but untill some kind manufacturer comes out with a 12" - 15" portable, battery powered HD 1080 screen, there ain't too many other options.


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Old June 14th, 2007, 07:38 PM   #28
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On camera monitor suggestion for XH A1

I was looking for suggestions for a HD monitor that I would be able to possibly mount on the camera.
Brandon Potthoff
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Old June 15th, 2007, 11:11 AM   #29
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There are many threads on this subject...please read them first.
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Old June 15th, 2007, 11:55 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Brandon Potthoff View Post
I was looking for suggestions for a HD monitor that I would be able to possibly mount on the camera.
Brandon Potthoff

There is a lot of info in this thread, so check it out. Don't know if an HD on camera monitor exists at this time, at least one you and I can afford.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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