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The UWOL Challenge
An organized competition for Under Water, Over Land videographers!

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Old July 19th, 2007, 03:48 PM   #76
Join Date: May 2002
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I just returned from shooting my challenge footage. I have not captured it yet, but this time I think I will also post the High Definition version of my entry on my web site. Maybe only 1280X720. Perhaps using Flash.

Both of my other entries were shot with the 320X240 final output in mind. This time I will put out a widescreen version and will just use the HD version scaled down.

I think I got what I went after. "Water in Motion". Nothing natural about any of it. All man made motion. Too many of you live near really cool natural water spots. So I went artificial. I could have headed up to Siver Springs instead, but I chose a different route. You'll see. Assuming it all comes out OK.
Steven Gotz
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Old July 19th, 2007, 03:59 PM   #77
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gabriel, i'm re-naming this thread "Tales of Wonder and Lame-o Excuses" in your honor...

okay, so this weekend, i'm managing a crew of 16 to shoot a triathlon, i'm editing an infomercial for a fire-fighting product, and i'm raising a 6 year old. oh, and i'm going to post my UWOL footage...it won't be brilliant but it will be wet!

how in the world does a 16-year-old lack time?? ludicrous! time is still your friend! now get out there, shoot something and make it something good.

there is no such thing as boring video, there are only boring editors.
Meryem Ersoz is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 19th, 2007, 04:32 PM   #78
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You said to 16 year old Gabriel, "time is still your friend". If you made that up yourself, get it patented. I have never seen it put that way, but, boy, for anyone over age XX it says it all.
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Old July 19th, 2007, 04:40 PM   #79
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Haha, thanks Mat.. I would hate to drop (ha, like water) out. its just so hard to make something happen...

Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz View Post
gabriel, i'm re-naming this thread "Tales of Wonder and Lame-o Excuses" in your honor...

okay, so this weekend, i'm managing a crew of 16 to shoot a triathlon, i'm editing an infomercial for a fire-fighting product, and i'm raising a 6 year old. oh, and i'm going to post my UWOL footage...it won't be brilliant but it will be wet!

how in the world does a 16-year-old lack time?? ludicrous! time is still your friend! now get out there, shoot something and make it something good.

there is no such thing as boring video, there are only boring editors.
Haha, thats a good one.

Sounds like you got your hands full.

Hmm.... Thats a good point, thanks for the tip... Maybe I'll try again...

Haha, heres the thing: I got all the free time on my hands. Its summer, I am home-schooled, I don't have much in the way for friends, and I don't have a job (really really want one though). The internet is pretty much life right now. But heres the catch, I can't drive. My parents are both extremely busy, and none of my sibs' drive either. So I am limited to walking. I am not making up excuses, or trying to get attention or anything like that. Its just a really hard time that I am going thru right now. I am stuck..
I can practically see a lake from my house, but its sick. Who knows what goes in it. You can't even see a foot down into it. And in order to get anywhere to the point you can see it good enough, you have to drive. Or bike really hard for a long time. I don't have that kind of endurance anymore...
Its not a good time for me... But I will head back out to my little park a few blocks from here, and try to get some stuff, and just play around with editing until the deadline.. Probably wont have a story, but I might learn a thing or two in the editing process.
Oh great, I just thought of something... I have to make the music myself. The guy who has done my last ones is out of town. Wont be back until Saturday. Bummer.

Like I said, please do not take this as one of those "the kid just wants attention" things. Its by no means like that!
Thank you for understanding.
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Old July 19th, 2007, 05:22 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz View Post

there is no such thing as boring video, there are only boring editors.
Oh, now you're really challenging me. Time to make a little magic.

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Old July 20th, 2007, 12:06 AM   #81
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Hey Gabriel…
Just sit back and think about it. Ron won the last challenge and hi shot everything in his backyard. Think about water… were can you fined water that nobody have thought of. It doesn’t need to be a lake or stream… Get up early one morning (before the sun) and se if you can fine some dew… Everything needs water… or is it lack of water? What can you make of that? We are al surrounded of water, everyday, every minute. You just need to fined YOUR view… You got the time… take a hour and relax…

Markus Nord
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Old July 20th, 2007, 04:08 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Markus Nord View Post
Hey Gabriel…
Just sit back and think about it. Ron won the last challenge and hi shot everything in his backyard. Think about water… were can you fined water that nobody have thought of. It doesn’t need to be a lake or stream… Get up early one morning (before the sun) and se if you can fine some dew… Everything needs water… or is it lack of water? What can you make of that? We are al surrounded of water, everyday, every minute. You just need to fined YOUR view… You got the time… take a hour and relax…

Markus Nord
Yeah, i totally second that. At the start of this challenge I got a coffee frother ( a fast spinning thing ) and put it in a glass of water, and filmed all the different types of whirlpools I could create. Unfortunatley I couldn't fit it with the overal thread in the end, which was a shame - but it got me really thinking about water, and how ubiquitous it is in our world........ Good luck Gabe!!!
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Old July 20th, 2007, 05:04 AM   #83
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You can shoot something in your own back yard. No one said you had to fill three minutes. That's the max it has to be. It can be 30 seconds if you want.

Film an ice cube melting and then speed it way up. Title it "Global Warming".

Fill a pie tin with water if you don't have a birdbath. Move as close as you can to the bath and still be focused. Set the camera down or on a tripod, walk away and let the birds come in. They'll eventually start to squabble etc.
Call it "Water Cooler Conversation".
Spray a water hose in the air with a fine mist and film the rainbow it creates on a sunny day.

Water the grass and catch the drops glistening on the lawn.

Fill up a small aquarium with water and then add drops of food coloring and watch it swirl around and make weird designs before it blends. Heck, you could even use a jar if you wanted to.

Tons of stuff out there that you can do without leaving your property.
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Old July 20th, 2007, 06:42 AM   #84
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You think you got problems. Two days BEFORE the challenge topic was posted I returned home from videoing one of the most spectacular waterfalls on earth, Iguazu falls in Brazil/Argentina. I can't use one second of that video. So here I am in Atlanta, no real rain in weeks. I got about 30 minutes that I shot in NC this past weekend. I may have to get out the garden hose this weekend and "fake it" Bob
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Old July 20th, 2007, 06:44 AM   #85
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Where were you at the start of this :)
Those are some neat ideas that Gabriel can work with.

Gordon Hoffman
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Old July 20th, 2007, 07:16 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Kris Holodak View Post
Oh, now you're really challenging me. Time to make a little magic.

right on. i'll leave the constructive suggestions to the likes of kevin and others. my job is to give young gabe his bi-monthly shakedown. glad to have netted you in the maelstrom as well, kris. good luck!
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Old July 20th, 2007, 07:17 AM   #87
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Note to Mat...

my e-mails to you are back to getting rejected again! just received one back undelivered that i sent several days ago....rrrrr.
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Old July 20th, 2007, 07:28 AM   #88
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Water water everywhere...

Well, that rain came through, and i spent most of the morning trying to stop it flooding the house! Check out some of the photos from my town, it's made the national news.........

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Old July 20th, 2007, 07:30 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Gabriel Yeager View Post
I can practically see a lake from my house, but its sick. Who knows what goes in it. You can't even see a foot down into it.
Gabriel, that's just "dirty water". Still well within the theme.
So grab your bike, get over there, and get some dirty water for us...

Seriously, hope you get something.
Kevin got some good ideas for you too.
Bring it on!! The shark tank is not supposed to have more visitors yet.
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Old July 20th, 2007, 08:15 AM   #90
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Meryem....not again......Sent you an email about your logo 2 days ago....fonts ect?? Did you get it ?

Kevin....what a creative fellow ;-) I'm liking the time lapse ice melt!
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